For future reference, if you ever need to confirm whether tracking
numbers match a returned item or any order for that matter, the weight
is a dead giveaway. I ordered a 2kg chair from China and received a
0.32g cardboard teddy bear once. Seller prov...
If you understand anything about “tax write off’s”, then you would
understand that this is most certainly an expense, whether you are
registered or not. You don’t get anything back that is 100% tax
deductible, this just means that you get to reduce y...
Ebay- If you actually read these discussions, I am already frantically
searching for an alternative site to sell on and have resumed creating
my own webpage again. I believe you simply are getting too greedy. You
created paypal, forced it upon us. Th...
So I received my first notification of a payout under the new managed
payments system. Today is Monday 10th August. I only had 2 sales on
Friday 7th August of $29.99 and $17.50 (lower than usual average). Both
posted off Friday afternoon. Since then ...