just wait until you get hit with a refund request after 5 months-if a
buyer pays with paypal on ebay they can after 180 days still make a
claim and get their money back. You need to keep your money for at least
six months after your sale in case this...
hey don't forget the real hub of activity is facebook as well - i
haven't sold here for over five years and never looking at coming back -
too many filthy scammers, and just an old fashioned place that hardly
anyone uses these days due to the fees. M...
in this environment there are more buyers on marketplace anyway - i am
going into my fourth year away from ebay and things have never been
better - i even buy on ebay and resell on marketplace for higher cost -
there are so many desperate sellers her...
Ebay actually have an obligation to report to the ATO all sellers that
earn over 10,000$ in a year.If you earn over $20,000 a year then the ATO
will deem you are running a business and you will be liable for extra
tax - how's that for a hobby.These n...
We are coming up to World War III - i expect sales will get even
worse....In the meantime i think people have gone over to platforms like
FB marketplace where things are way way cheaper. When people penny pinch
then platforms like that see a massive ...