Yes, the seller may have listed all this info in her FAQs, however they
should have sent a quick email to any buyers as a courtesy. If a simple
message along the lines of : “Thanks for your purchase, just to let you
know as per stated in my FAQs, I c...
What I do usually do in that situation is to include all the guff that
isn’t their address in the top section IE “xxxxx parade heidelberg
Melbourne” Then UNDER suburb I put where they really live “Heidelberg
West” I figure Paypal will be happy becaus...
Due to the International Postage agreements, Australia Post lost
something in the region of 22 Million last year due to delivering
international packages. From memory it costs them $1.76 for each package
they deliver. This money was recouped by infla...
Seriously you can’t answer a simple valid question? The OP has stated
they feel for the family at this sad time. That said, their buyers are
most likely not going to connect a road accident (no matter how
horrific) with why they did not receive their...