Anyone had a customer survey sent to them in the last 2 days ? The
questions in the last part are a joke. Notice there is no option to
disregard the question you don't care about. Ebay - if you want relevant
answers fire the consultant who made up yo...
When I view a category for buying, large pictures consisting of "See
what others are watching" and "See what others are searching for" show
up on the page. How do I get rid of them, short of running a script on
the HTML content ?
I'm an electronics engineer and buy all my goods from china as far as
possible. You seem to be a one off experience. I have never had any
problems with the sellers I associate with. Rule one, communicating with
a non english speaking seller - take ti...
Fast foods should come with a health warning on the wrapper just like
cigarettes. Also, people who consume fast food in large quantities
should'nt be entitled to health care
Ahhhhhh. I posted a question about this a few days ago.Good to know I'm
not the only one seeing this.**bleep** off to know that some idiot web
programmer at ebay has **bleep**ed up again.Where do they get these
amateurs from ?
I'm using Win 8 latest version. IE-11 latest version.This problem did'nt
exist about a month ago.Ebay browser architects have done some
programming changes that have caused this.I also use Firefox at work and
have the same problem.
Don't know what you're whinging about. If you don't want to use a "99c"
start, don't do it. If someone whinges to you, DELETE. If someone starts
bullying you, bully them back, threaten them. Threaten them with a
lawsuite. Grow a thick skin. In other ...