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Hi, I have a Pair of Asian Vases (Not sure of the Maker). Were sold to me as Satsuma. 1 Vase measures 3cms higher than the other (60 & 63cms high) Has black Japanese writing under both Vases but are different. Both have the same designs and details. ...
Hi, I REALLY LOVE Antique Collecting and would love to learn more. I have only found 1 site that offers courses (AVAA) in Australia and then found this site in America. Does anyone know anything about this Institute?
Hi, I have been collecting Ceramics for a year now and REALLY HOOKED. Admire the workmanship that goes into them and would really love to learn more about them. I have tried searching online for Courses and can't find anything. I don't know anyone in...
Hi, I have been collecting Ceramics for a year now and I am REALLY HOOKED:) But I would love to learn more about them and any other Antique. I have searched online for Courses but cannot find any. I don't know anyone in the Antique Business, so I tho...