Okay. So the account which has been blocked by Pay Pal is a business
account.Am I able to open another Pay Pal account as a premier account.
If so Do I use the same information I used for the business one or can I
use a different email etc.
How do I remove pay pal as a payment option when I list my itemsCan
people still pay me by using their paypal and put it into my bank
account.Is a merchant account like a credit/debit cardHow do I set that
This is going to take a while to sort out with Pay Pal I think. For my
future listings can I only use COD, Bank deposit or money transfer to
accept payment. Also how do I delete that I will accept pay pal from my
Pay pal have closed my account and I have an item which has sold and
nearly due to end.No its not a designer style bag!!!How do I change my
payment method on my listing so the winning bidder knows how to pay
alternatively to Pay PalThanks
Thank you all for your information.It was never my intention for people
to think they were buying real designer bags.I had looked at other
sellers and saw that they were selling "designer style bags" and thought
it would be ok.Seems I was definitely ...