Could you post the item number please so someone may be able to help you
more. The seller should not be asking for more postage but there may be
something in the listing to explain why he is doing so.
If you receive a refund for any reason at all the item then reappears in
your Purchase History as awaiting payment. Just ignore it.....the seller
cannot open an unpaid item dispute. If it bothers you just hide it in
your Archives, otherwise it will e...
Did you read the listings properly?You did not buy gold bars....they
will not test positive to an acid test.You need to have them refined to
extract the gold and the seller has not guaranteed the weight of gold in
any one bar.
gunna, that is correct. If a paypal payment is funded by a bank account
the refund will go to your paypal account, not your bank account. You
need to withdraw it manually. It is only payments funded by debit or
credit cards that go back to the fundin...