Looks like the 'gang' is out to monster me, or is it just the same
stooge or stooges using different ids. Anyway have fun I have more
important things to do than follow this garbage.
I a 'numpty' (sorry I am not into your specialised language still I
suppose with all the time you must spend on this site you are probably
and expert on nonsense talk) you do look like a troll to me though. A
legend in your own mind. The posts you ha...
You have a very fitting name. So the level of ones contribution is
judged by the number of posts. Ha Ha Ha how laughable. Spare me your
assistance thank you.
phorum junkie is an ebay stooge (probably and employee) who supports
ANYTHING ebay does and condems anyone who is in the least critical of
ebay. Treat him/her with the contempt he deserves.
What a joke ebay and the ATO combining to "hunt down" tax evaders of
sales around $10,000 when ebay is amongst Australias biggest TAX CROOK.
Maybe the ATO could spend their time more profitably, and more justly
'hunting for ebay'