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Hi, I have just spoken to ebay and they have confirmed they have turned off the abilty for buyers to commit to buy multiple items and request a combined postage total. It sounds like a fee grab from ebay. But previously buyers would commit to buy mul...
Referring to the March announcement from ebay "Sellers will be able to run reports telling them which of their transactions received low detailed seller ratings." I cant see where I can run this report, anyone have an idea? Or am I having a blonde mo...
Hi All, Is it just me or are these tools provided to buyers not giving them the best experience? Shopping cart system seems to fail on combined shipping mostly. Buyers who purchase multiple items with different default shipping methods end up paying ...
This is a frustrated comment more than a question but Ebay's policy of not allowing sellers to post email addresses in messages is so dictative and flawed.We cant reply to users who have a " . " in the user name and we often get people requesting it ...
We are having so many issues with ebay's website and phone support are not helping. 1. Notes left in sold vies not showing up in SMP 2. Marking items as paid in SM not reflecting at buyers end and ebay sending unpaid item reminders. 3, Items marked a...