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Am I the only one who cannot access my Account as a result of Security Key Issue notification of denial of access?Two phone calls and one detailed email explanation to email, and suggest remedy were absolutely useless.Initial unsatisfactory reply was...
I cannot utilise the font Colour option when printing in the Description Page when compiling a Selling description.Any advice will be very much appreciated.Thank youiona45.
For some reason I can no longer send a message to a winning Bidder using the ebay 'Contact Buyer' key. any assistance would be most welcome. Thank you in advance.iona45 (Oops; I've just noticed a previous answer to this question; I'll attempt that me...
I've had a previous trusted Buyer ask me to list a particular item that can only be seen by him.As I want to conduct the sale using ebay selling rules, can anyone direct me to the correct method of Listing this way?Thank you in anticipation;iona45
All attempts to upload photographs using either the Standard or Basic Uploader fail. I've tried everything from reducing and increasing Pixel size with no result. I would appreciate any assistance or advice. Many thanks in anticipation;iona
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