Thanks .correct.. But was is the point in relisting an item in this
category ..when it does not show.. This is ebays mess and they refuse to
inform sellers ...this subject search in the non fiction book categories
is not fully operational ... Extreme...
you are right .. I contacted ebay multiple times .. nothing on the
annoucement board .. and nothing shows up when you search for it .. A
huge mess .. and ebay refused to infom the sellers .. extremely
frustating .. thank you
Thanks.. Dd you get a response from ebay.? The search engine in still
not operating in the non fiction book section... NO SOBJECT SEARCH
AVAILABLE ...,,,,! No information from ebay at all
Thanks for mentioning it . I did the same.. Spend time on the phone to
ebay , with these enormous issues with the search engine for non fiction
books.. No mentioning on the announcement board .. No information to the
sellers ... I wish ebay would get...