Hi,Does anyone have a valid number that eBay can be contacted on
externally? I need a number that the ACT Fair Trading office can contact
eBay (so can't used the one where eBay contacts me)
Well to all you nay sayers and so called "experts" Fair trading did get
onto eBay and eBay issued the $30 voucher . Really goes to show how
unhelpful most people are on these forums
Ah yes it is money that was lost, I signed up to the eBay plus program
on condition of getting the $30 voucher. Fair trading ruled it was a
clear breach. This is a common stunt eBay pulls on people and similar
things have happened to me before from e...
No, you were trying to be smart and saying I could just "gOoLe iT", when
the number you gave isn't even contactable. What's the point of giving
ACT Fair an invalid number? They're not going to be able to contact
anyone to get it resolved