I have something for sale that is constantly getting ridiculous offers
from people (they all offer the same) that is I believe a concerted
effort by a group of people as harrassment due to my decline of an
initial offer from someone.
i'm well aware of how to setup best offer correctly.Again the question
relates to users who abuse this system not a crash course in how to
setup your best offer parameters.
the tools are in use & setup appropriately.Obviously.No it is certainly
NOT coincidence nor market rate it is a co-ordinated malicious attack &
harrassment.That's quite clear there is a difference between the two
which has been made quite clear.
So I have ESP so I can tell the next ID that will maliciously use the
system then?makes senseMy settings are fine as previously stated & they
won't be altered because of a group of muppets abusing the system.It's
there for a reason people use it and ...
No because the "offers" are being submitted in the same amounts
repeatedly within the accepted range as the originals.Not my first rodeo
here I can spot this activity a mile away and absolutely no way in hell
would a sale be attempted with any of the...
no my best offer settings are correct & how I want them and they won't
be changed because of people abusing the ebay systemthe issue is this
collection of "buyers" making systematic offers identical to each
otherNot with the intent of buying somethin...