on โ29-01-2014 10:11 PM
I have something for sale that is constantly getting ridiculous offers from people (they all offer the same) that is I believe a concerted effort by a group of people as harrassment due to my decline of an initial offer from someone.
on โ29-01-2014 10:14 PM
Revise the listing to auto decline an amount lower than you are willing to accept then you will not even know they have placed an offer as you are not notified and unless you look at the offers list you will not know they have sent an offer.
The moment they enter an amount less than you want they are told straight away you have declined.
on โ29-01-2014 10:54 PM
on โ29-01-2014 11:01 PM
Set your auto-decline higher, then. Like 1c less than the rock-bottom amount you will accept. Or take best offer off altogether.
Whoever it is is obviously trying to get the item for the absolute minimum you are prepared to sell for.
on โ29-01-2014 11:28 PM
on โ30-01-2014 12:12 AM
Add the IDs to your blocked list that make the offers you are not happy with and set your communication preferences so that they are no longer able to contact you or make offers.
Do not communicate with them at all and I reckon "they" will run out of IDs or interest in your listings eventually.
If you will not use the tools that eBay provide to block IDs or avoid receiving best offers at a level you will not accept then why would eBay do anything if you reported them. They are not really doing anything that is a policy breach IMO.
on โ30-01-2014 12:17 AM
I am a bit confused.....if you don't want to see the ridiculous offers, why do you not set the auto decline so you don't see them?
If the "buyers" want to play games it will not bother you at all.
on โ30-01-2014 01:51 AM
Also a trifle confuzzeled here .....
Wouldn't you have your Best Offer settings at a level you would accept?
Ergo, if you saw the offer, wouldn't you be willing to conclude the sale at that price ..... ???
on โ30-01-2014 06:23 AM
No because the "offers" are being submitted in the same amounts repeatedly within the accepted range as the originals.Not my first rodeo here I can spot this activity a mile away and absolutely no way in hell would a sale be attempted with any of these type of muppets who think this type of activity is "acceptable".
Question still stands can user ID's be reported for this activity?
to block these idiots I'm suppossed to be able to somehow pre-empt the user ID who's making offers maliciously?yes makes perfect sense.Are they blocked from further bidding activity yes of course they are.
on โ30-01-2014 06:25 AM
So I have ESP so I can tell the next ID that will maliciously use the system then?makes sense
My settings are fine as previously stated & they won't be altered because of a group of muppets abusing the system.It's there for a reason people use it and have great success with it.
Policy breach?Hmm try harrassment which is what it is plain & simple.