on 04-01-2023 11:18 AM
Does anyone have a valid number that eBay can be contacted on externally? I need a number that the ACT Fair Trading office can contact eBay (so can't used the one where eBay contacts me)
on 13-02-2023 04:55 PM
lol dramatic much? They did ask me if I had a number
on 13-02-2023 04:57 PM
Ah yes it is money that was lost, I signed up to the eBay plus program on condition of getting the $30 voucher. Fair trading ruled it was a clear breach. This is a common stunt eBay pulls on people and similar things have happened to me before from eBay. Why even bother commenting if you have nothing of value to add?
on 13-02-2023 05:01 PM
Well to all you nay sayers and so called "experts" Fair trading did get onto eBay and eBay issued the $30 voucher 😛. Really goes to show how unhelpful most people are on these forums
on 13-02-2023 07:07 PM
Bad luck, then.
Seems ACT Fair Trading aren't interested.
on 13-02-2023 08:07 PM
You will find that its the same negative people all the time. Nothing better to do than belittle people. Glad it all worked out.
on 13-02-2023 10:00 PM
We are not legal experts. Certainly not for free.
You claimed you needed a phone number for Fair Trading to step in. It appears Fair Trading didn't need a phone number...
on 31-07-2024 11:06 AM
I not got my order yet
31-07-2024 11:11 AM - edited 31-07-2024 11:13 AM
If you need other members to help. open your own thread
You do not need a phone number for eBay (what this thread is about) for this
What was the estimated delivery date?
Have you contacted the seller?
What is the item number?
Did you buy on another account, or as a guest?