ebay unlawfully charging 10% GST on 2nd hand goods sold in US for shipment to AU customers.

After many hours of unfruitful attempts to contact an ebay official & writing to the seller stating that I would not be a party to the unlawful imposition of a 10% Goods & Services Tax (GST) on the purchase of 2nd hand goods. The reason because under Australian tax law no GST applies on the sale of 2nd hand goods. Yet ebay seems to threatening my 100% perfect trading record for over a decade of trades, with the cancellation of my account because of an unpaid invoice.  I will not be party to the imposition of an unlawful attempt to increase the after purchase price by 10%. This goes against what I thought were ebay's own policies.  Advice appreciated as to how to contact ebay.

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There is nothing unlawful about it, GST  applies to all International purchases made via ebay, new or used and including postage.

By the way, in Oz, GST also applies to used goods if the owner is registered for GST