my purchases keep on being rejected by Afterpay.

I have tried to use Afterpay twice and keep on getting a rejection notice at the end of the transaction, I have contacted Afterpay on both ocasions without any resolution to the problem, it is not my credit asmy credit rating is in the excellent category!

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Hi I am having afterpay issues. I used afterpay for a lot of small purchases for grandkids Christmas presents and before that my purchases no problems at all. Now I purchase and it goes through and 10 minutes later a email it cancelled ect. I have contacted ebay 5 times and they say it is not them as I have no restrictions on my account and to contact afterpay which I did 4 times and they said was ebays fault as no restrictions on my account with afterpay and they did not cancel the sales. I have that in writing but no way to show it to ebay. I am within eBay policies on what to purchase and can't purchase. This is going on for 3 months now and I used afterpay to purchase gifts and paid a lot more for them. So does anyone know what is happening. I have updated apps for both and purchased other ways like told to and try afterpay again but no success. Please has anyone got any answers or advice or a email address so I can show ebay that afterpay has said that they never have cancelled any of my purchases. Thanks Sue