Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

I tried to leave feedback for a seller the other day. The item arrived broken from China and the seller replied to my message quickly and refunded within minutes of me sending a photo. What did I do wrong? Oh, I know, it's because I forgot to put a full stop on the end, isn't it?


feedback comment.jpg

Message 1 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

@janeababe wrote:

This seller's pen is mightier than his sword Man LOL


This seller's small pen is for marking my SSM vote


send off your SSM vote folks . . . . . regardless of whether it is a YES or NO . . . . . . make your vote count!
Message 11 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

The Bots Must Be Crazy

Message 12 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

i know one seller

if you put negetive feed back , even though you ahve not recieved your long over due item, 

tellsl buyer if you      do not remove your negative feed backu will not get your item


Message 13 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

Can you give us an item number for that seller, please?


DO NOT name the seller.

Message 14 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

I suspect it might be the latest FB left Stawks.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 15 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

report them to ebay for feedback extortion 

Message 16 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

@padi*0409 wrote:

I suspect it might be the latest FB left Stawks.


Maaaaaaaybe,  maybe not


With that many negs, I can't see them messaging every buyer to tell them that.

Message 17 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

@deeau84 wrote:

i know one seller

if you put negetive feed back , even though you ahve not recieved your long over due item, 

tellsl buyer if you      do not remove your negative feed backu will not get your item



Why would you expect the item?


Surely you had already opened an item not received case and had your money refunded.

Message 18 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

@deeau84 wrote:

i know one seller

if you put negetive feed back , even though you ahve not recieved your long over due item, 

tellsl buyer if you      do not remove your negative feed backu will not get your item


Maybe it has something to do with the glass of chardy this non drinker just drank, but I have absolutely NO idea what the heck you are on about. Please explain?


I don't know what it's like to leave a negative feedback because I've never had the need to do so. 

Message 19 of 31
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Re: Anyone Seen This Feedback Issue Before?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

@deeau84 wrote:

i know one seller

if you put negetive feed back , even though you ahve not recieved your long over due item, 

tellsl buyer if you      do not remove your negative feed backu will not get your item


Maybe it has something to do with the glass of chardy this non drinker just drank, but I have absolutely NO idea what the heck you are on about. Please explain?


I don't know what it's like to leave a negative feedback because I've never had the need to do so. 

I think she means she has paid for an item, not received it & so left negative feedback. Then the seller contacted her to say remove it or I won't send the item.


Dee, if I've got the story right, then feedback isn't what you need to worry about, getting your money back is. You don't need to be concerned with what the seller says as you are in the position of power (if you paid via paypal).

Simply open an item not received case and get all your money refunded. Do it immediately. You say the item is long overdue. In that case, do not be fobbed off by the seller saying he will post it off 'tomorrow'. Tomorrow never comes.

Message 20 of 31
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