on โ11-02-2013 06:59 PM
Just venting..........Many examples I can think of. Here's just 1.....Recently bought 2 tee shirts. 1 from a Sydney seller the other from an American seller. Postage was dearer for Aust. Post satchel than USPS. How can it be possible knowing that the USPS item is handled by Aust. Post when it hits our shores????? Can't get my head around it!!!!! Suffice to say we are being shafted!!!
on โ26-10-2013 02:38 AM
I agree, cubed weight is BS, as they often only allow you to use "approved" boxes which have limited sizes so if you have an item you either have to get a box that is too small, or you get a box that is too big and you get overcharged a fortune for what you are basically paying a premium for boxed air.
on โ26-10-2013 10:27 AM
@demonamvs wrote:They are making profits alright, so much profit that finding an Australian seller on ebay is like finding a penguin in the sahara. I had to send back some headphones for warranty, international. These headphones are very light, about 600g it cost me nearly $60 and no I won't be refunded, it is nearly cheaper to just buy a new headset.
AusPost knows they have no competition and they are extorting the Australian public like the mafia. No wonder Australia has 0 retail exports.
it's crazy how much they make considering that letter post and imported mail is losing them millions every year. It's only a matter of time before other bigger carriers compete for the local market.
you can not compete on price as an australian bussiness when local rates are higher then it cost's for someone from anouther country to post to.
on โ02-11-2013 04:32 PM
The USPS is the same now.
Its can cost US$30-40 to get an LP from the US to Australia.I now search for Australian and UK sellers.
on โ25-04-2014 05:21 AM
Australia post is indeed outrageously expensive.
I have some relatives over in Cyprus and we had "exchanged" some packages last Christmas. The one I sent fit in the 5-5.5kg bracket and i paid a whopping 160$ postage, I was a bit outraged of course but couldn't use the SeaMail because of timing, but even that would have costed about 80$ according the the calculator.
On the other hand, the package I received was about in the 4-5kg bracket of the Cyprus post and it cost "only" 40 Euros which is about 60 Aussie dollars. So that's almost triple the price.
For smaller items its even worse, they sometimes send me small knick knacks, couple of hundred grams but it comes packaged in a fairly large box and it costs peanuts.
I was actually checking right now the Cyprus Post calculator and for something weighing up to 200 grams, regardless of shape - they don't seem to care over there ๐ - , it costs 4.27 EUR by Airmail and a "whopping" 1.27 EUR via S.A.L.
Now, on the other hand if I have to send something over there , anything up to 500grams, the smallest bracket for packages is 20 dollars via Airmail of 11 via SeaMail, huge differences...I guess it all goes to having some of the highest salaries in the world.
on โ25-04-2014 09:01 AM
Yes I can get a 'mini parcel' (under 500g) sent from Germany for about AUD$ 5.15 (EUR 3,45)
yet for me to send the same item TO Germany would cost $18.00 or more via Australia Post
on โ25-04-2014 11:28 AM
I just skipped through a couple of countries at random and:
2kg with tracking Australia - Finland $90.20
2kg with tracking Finland - Australia $57
2kg Australia - Poland $84
2kg Poland - Australia $24
2kg Australia -Israel $89
2kg Israel - Australia $38
2kg Australia - UK $75
2kg UK - Australia $45.30
2kg with tracking Australia - Brazil $90
2kg with tracking Brazil - Australia $58
2kg with tracking Australia - US $63 <----- Looks like cheaper, GO AUSSIE POST, GO!!!
2kg with tracking US - Australia $71
2kg with tracking Australia - Singapore $56
2kg with tracking Singapore - Australia $36
I'm sorry but I simply do not accept argument that Australia Post services are significantly better (2 or 3 times better in some cases) and their trucks are more red than pretty much any other country.
If the above is a result of some international agreements in which the Australia Post is being screwed then their solution (read: pricing OZ business out of international competition) is lazy and dangerous one.
on โ25-04-2014 11:30 AM
NB: all of the above is Air Mail, I tried to make it apples for apples (hope there are no mistakes!).
on โ25-06-2014 06:40 PM
$20 for small 20x20x10 3kg package send to my own street is blatant rip off!
on โ25-06-2014 06:49 PM
Same here. So much for supporting our ecconomy. These days I support my wallet and buy from only from overseas for 1/3 of the post cost.
on โ25-06-2014 06:51 PM
If you never lived anywhere else you can't make these judgements based on what you see it TV.