Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

I thought i would check the gst implementation out on some items i had in my cart and it looks like its 5%  and not 10%   ๐Ÿ™‚

12.19am  01/07/18

and there is no GST on postage which is good


here is a copy and paste of 3 items 2 are Euro $ and 1 is US $

my post code has been editied



label value Items (3) AU $245.94

Postage to ( my location ) AU $60.48

GST AU $13.75    

Total AU $320.16



hope it stays this way

5% i can handle

10% is too much on items under $1000 


Message 1 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%



Lyndal is blunt rather than rude. You will often see some of the most helpful posts on these boards being posted by her, even if she doesn't phrase it delicately or in terms of tiramisรน-like deliciousness. When she's wrong, she acknowledges it. Especially when it comes to postage issues, there is no better-informed person on these boards. (I personally prefer to deal with people who are blunt as opposed to sweet-but-will-knife-one-behind-one's-back, even though I tend to temper being direct with my own style of empathetic cordiality. That's how it is... All of us have our own style, and because we're all adults here on eBay and hopefully can manage a variety of communication styles, I hope we can all learn to deal with various styles and appreciate individuals for their positive qualities!)


I know what you mean by speaking of GST included in the price. It can catch people out if they don't check before purchase whether the price shown is ex-GST or GST-incl. I was recently sort-of caught out by this myself! A company in Victoria (my state) had agreed to price-match with regard to a PA system that I was originally going to purchase from a company in NSW - but when I went to pay the invoice, the price-match had been ex-GST, whereas the NSW price was GST-incl. I decided to go ahead anyway because the company had arranged for me to have a "loaner" in the meantime while the main unit would take a week to arrive, and I needed the system by a particular date. A secondary consideration was that if there was a problem with the system, I'd only have to return it locally.


But all my subsequent purchases in relation to that item, and a smaller second unit, I've been purchasing from the NSW company.


That probably illustrates how customers will behave when it comes to GST in general. If they deal with sellers whose prices are GST-included and thus represent the total item price, as opposed to sellers whose prices are ex-GST, they're going to weight up subsequent purchases in the light of that information. Once Australian eBay buyers start realising to what extent the price is affected (and to what sort of items and from what sort of buyers), they'll be automatically thinking "plus 10%". I agree that this does create speciousness in the option to sort by lowest price on eBay, but at least we do still have that option and aren't reduced to eBay's hilarious idea of "best match" only.

Message 41 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

No one is addressing how ebay is blanket taxing every single overseas seller without knowledge of whether they earn over 75K? this has to be illegal and why this stupid tax can't work. Why is it fair that a small seller who has not earned anywhere near that amount has gst applied to them? 

Then there is the point that many small business in Oz buy overseas for stuff like packaging and won't spend over a grand for one item line. So they get hit as well, and are being punished not protected by this tax. Anyone that thinks the govt has done this to protect small business has their head in the clouds....

Message 42 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

I think it is because it is eBay as a selling platform that counts, not the individual sellers who sell on eBay (if their threshold is under $75,000 and they have a personal website you can still buy from them GST-free though). I wish I had kept the business cards sellers from overseas have sometimes put in my parcels, as they didn't always use the same name or email address as on eBay.

Message 43 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

Not applicable
You need to read all the other threads that address your issue.

In a nutshell, ALL imports are now subject to GST but the govt has decided not to bother making smaller companies pay it on sales that aren't through the major platforms because it'd be creating a lot of work for said companies, perhaps only for the sake of a few dollars. However, because it's quite easy for platforms like ebay to collect it, they're required to do so.
Message 44 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%



I posted this as a reply in the Answer Centre, but I think it may be worth reposting here to help clarify the issue for people wondering about just that issue.


The ATO states that the reforms โ€œtreat the operator of an electronic distribution platform (EDP) as the supplier of low value goods if the goods are purchased through the platform by consumers and brought into Australia with the assistance of either the supplier or the operatorโ€.


eBay is treated by the ATO as the supplier under this description, and collects the GST on behalf of the ATO. Because of this, it is irrelevant whether or not a seller on eBay is under the $75,000 annual threshold in respect of sales to Australia, unfortunately.


However, if the seller sells on their own platform / website, and is under that $75,000 threshold, you can still purchase from them without GST needing to be collected by the seller on behalf of the ATO.


Read the full Treasury Laws Amendment (GST Low Value Goods) Act 2017 here:

Message 45 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

Thanks for the clarification everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ still think it's rather convienient on the govt's behalf to treat ebay as an overall platform.

Message 46 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

ive just recieved a ebay 10% off offer




spend $50 lasts 1 week



Message 47 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%


I'm wondering how it is going to work with the US company I buy most of my clothes from online.  The dresses etc I like don't appear to be sold in Oz at all which is a shame.  It's going to get pretty expensive I guess.  Also wondering about Book Depository.

Message 48 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

Community Member
Shhhhhhh lyndal1838 will now be lobbying ebay and insisting it ought to be 10%!!
Message 49 of 53
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Re: Australian Gst on imported goods is 5% not 10%

What a stupid comment!!

Why would I lobby anyone.  The law is the law and the GST has been 10% for 18 years.

Message 50 of 53
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