BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twice as well as trying to intimidate you when you have not completed a transaction



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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

You'd need to give more details before we could know what actually happened.


At the moment, all we can see is you seem to have been charged postage when not expecting it and that you have not completed a transaction. And have been asked to pay for an item twice. That last one has me confused as it has never happened to me & makes me think there is something else going on.


I have read of some ebay glitches where people (usually on phones) don't always see the postage or freight charges and might see free postage? Something like that. Perhaps that happened to you?


I don't know that ebay would intimidate you about unpaid items. I would think you would get standard, automatic messages. It would be normal for this to happen if a seller opens an unpaid item claim, that ebay would send reminders to pay. That is fair enough.


Unpaid item claims would normally get a buyer a strike unless you contact ebay and explain circumstances, in which case they may remove a strike. A strike won't affect you but 2 in 12 months will.


Bottom line though is if you didn't know there was postage & don't want to buy the product, you don't have to pay. You will incur a strike but that's all.


If you have paid via bank deposit for an item, then you are in trouble as ebay would have no way of knowing that and no proof that you paid so it would be possible for a seller to open an unpaid item claim or else fail to send an item to you.




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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

Honored Contributor

According to fb left for others, the listing did indeed say fast and free postage.


Have you checked your Paypal account to see exactly how much you did pay?


Is there a double payment with postage?


I don't know what went wrong with your transaction, but I would contact ebay

(get them to call you back) and ask them to review the transaction.



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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

Hmm, that is interesting. I  may have done something wrong but when i looked up the OP's feedback left for others, i could see the neg & name of the seller but not the item. So I clicked on the seller & went down their feedback for seller till I found the neg & the item was showing. 

When I clicked on that, it showed item as US $10, with postage at US $16.98 for international priority shipping to Aust. it also said that the same or similar item had been relisted. the first relist was at US $9.50 & postage about $16.97 US, while the current relist is showing as US $7.50 with free postage. That would make sense as the ad says this is an ebook, not a real book.


But the first ad, the one where the OP bought,  I am pretty sure did list postage. Why, I don't know. I'd be pretty peeved to be asked to pay $23 for something sent electronically. I think I would have queried the seller before I bought.

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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

Wrong one, Springy.


They left a green dot, but complained about ebay.


It's the first fb left for others.

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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

Ah yes, i see the one you mean, but I am wondering if the OP was talking about just one transaction or if he had a problem with several.

The reason I am confused is he said he was charged twice (which would be the purchase feedback you highlighted), but also says ebay charged him postage when none was due plus intimidated him about an unpaid transaction.


I think if I had paid via paypal, I would have been ringing ebay, not paying twice.

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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

Intimidate?   punch.gif


I get a message that says   "Don't forget about......."


Hardly intimidation.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

So... da boss tells me ya're imastawka. Dat right? Dey call you imastawka?


Interestin' name. I'm a Heavy workin' for da boss - you don' need to know his name but you can call him Mr. Molybdenum. I'm Cadmium, and dis here is Lawrencium. You'll get to know us real, real well.


Ya got a nice little account goin' here. Almost 31,000 posts, solid registration date... all da works. It'd be a shame if anythin' was to happen to those posts ... ya know? Would hate to see yer registration date be roughed up one night in a dark alley, or yer account go up in flames. One little accidentally dropped match, and it could all be gone.


Now, my boss, he's a real nice guy... wants ta make sure ya're protected against ... accidents. Ya don't want to get on the wrong side of da boss. He's asked me to pass on a message - ya should hand over da money for dat "unpaid transaction" every month, and den dere won't be any little accidents.


Ya first payment's due right now. Don't get me annoyed, or Lawrencium here is goin' to get volatile.


(Now that's intimidation!)

Message 8 of 9
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Re: BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twive

@graylbud wrote:

BEWARE Ebay is a con chares postage when none is due and tries to get you to pay twice as well as trying to intimidate you when you have not completed a transaction



There is one very obvious reason you were required to pay twice,  you purchased two of the same lots  @$59.52  Total  $119.04.  Don't know if you did that by accident, or if you selected  Qty  2

I was able to replicate your purchase, without any postage costs being applied, so I dont know why your purchase would have included postage, if in fact that was the case and relating to the same purchase.

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