on 22-06-2019 11:46 AM - last edited on 22-06-2019 01:33 PM by gewens
So check out this example of a search in Ebay: https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.H0.Xfishing+re...
The listings show reels for $1.78 and then when they are clicked on it shows the tackle box for $1.78 and states the fishing reel is out of staock. So that is OK to have the item out of staock but the issue is the listing on the main search is in breach of legislation for pricing regulations in Australia. Listing:REMOVED
Legislation state that isf the item is out of staock then the pcture should be removed:
Multiple pricing
Multiple pricing is when a good is advertised with more than one displayed price. Typically, this is done in error. Under consumer law, a business must either sell the goods at the lower price, or withdraw the good from sale until the price is corrected.
So it is OK to generally have multible pricing and items but the issue lies when the picture for the reel is on the main listing but is out of stock or not available. The picture on the main listing should be changed to the tackle box. But also the main listing should state that the listing is for multible items and not just the reel.
This is a loop hole in the ebay listing system and is creating a bad experience for the buyer as it is becoming increasing difficult and time consuming to go through the thousands of listings like this to find an item that is legitimate.
Seller are using this tacktic to get their listings up to the top of the lowest price first. As usually the buyer will use this filter to get the best deal possible and this filter is just riddled with non legitimate items.
Just putting this forward as it seems illegal and is creating a increasingly bad experience for Ebay users
Prove me wrong in the Australian legislation for pricing regulations as ide like to know how Ebay does it!
on 22-06-2019 11:53 AM
What a joke!
on 22-06-2019 11:59 AM
There have been many threads regarding this issue and it's the asians that seem to do it mostly who are untouchable and free to do
whatever they want.
on 22-06-2019 12:02 PM
@amybrookewatts wrote:
The listings show reels for $1.78 and then when they are clicked on it shows the tackle box for $1.78 and states the fishing reel is out of stock. So that is OK to have the item out of stock but the issue is the listing on the main search is in breach of legislation for pricing regulations in Australia.
They are a Malaysian registered seller so Australian rules don't apply unfortunately. Besides that the seller has shocking feedback and no one in their right mind would buy off them.
G'day crow.................
on 22-06-2019 01:41 PM
G'day Padi
on 22-06-2019 03:22 PM
22-06-2019 06:20 PM - edited 22-06-2019 06:23 PM
Misuse of the Listing with variations option is rife among Chinese eBay sellers. If you report a Chinese seller, the result is Sweet Felicia Arkwright.
The report would go to eBay Australia. eBay Australia have neither ability nor right to affect a Chinese eBay seller's listings.
eBay Australia could contact eBay China with the complaint, true. (They won't, but let's wander into fantasy land for a moment, where butterfly-like fairies strew fairy dust into the air to give good fortune to all who are touched by it.) eBay China would perhaps bow and say, "It is kind of you to contact us with this information. Thank you." eBay China would then turn the complaint into confetti - perhaps to be processed as fairy dust to power the Chinese economy. What eBay China would NOT do is sanction the sellers. (See this post (the first "spoiler") for potted history of eBay's presence in China and why they tread carefully.)
So... unfortunately there is no way to encourage or force eBay to do away with the sellers who are listing in this way.
All that you can do is to avoid any listing that misuses Listing with variations. If you don't buy from any such sellers, and if you tell everyone you know to similarly avoid such sellers at all costs, and everyone that you know tells everyone that they know to avoid such sellers at all costs, etc., who knows? The power to stop those listings is in the hands of Australian buyers by using the Power of the Purse.
How to tell that it's a seller probably misusing that function:
on 22-06-2019 07:07 PM
I often come across those when i have been trying to buy items.
The price will be really cheap with the picture of what you want - however - when you click into it you discover that the price is for a little part of it and not the picture in gallery. That item is much dearer.
so deceptive, why not just put the picture that matches the price, and not list it at all if it's out of stock.