Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

I am so furious - just learned that ebay has now making it super easy for a seller to cancel the order if the seller does not want to sell for whatever reason and it appeas that there are no consequences for doing so unless a buyer leave a negative feedback. I have had this happened to me a couple of times this month and this is way too frequent! 

Why did ebay change their previous policy - which requires the buyer's agreement before cancellation? 

I encourage every buyer to leave negative feedback if this happens to them. 

Message 1 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

They have SIX feedback, why not help them out? That's what good buyers and sellers do.....help out the newbies. We all had to start somewhere and needed some guidance along the way.

Message 11 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

Your dress that is going off in 16 minutes. If I bid on that and no-one else does, by the time you pay the fees on the price plus the postage, you will be out of pocket and in the red. Would you be willing to PAY eBay for me to take your item and have nothing to show for it? Actually pay money out of your pocket?

Message 12 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

My guess is sheeps, that she was going to buy it to sell on herself and is angry coz she didn't get her way. That's quite ok, but dont scream blue murder if the sale falls through.  Now that Newbie seller has a Red Dot compliments of her. Karma has a pleasant way of rewarding that kinda stuff.

Message 13 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

This place is so weird. Not long ago a newbie seller came on these boards for help. She thought by putting a BIN on an auction meant it had a reserve, was going to lose about $700 on a sale as the auction went for the low start price. The buyer had a hissy fit like the OP, obviously knowing the price was too good. What were the responses? Newbie was given a hard time and basically told to follow her legal and MORAL obligations and complete the sale???!!! So where is the cheer squad for the poor buyer this time who won the auction fair and square and has a legal right to get her goodies? Too right she should neg the seller for refusing to pay to give away her stuff! Next step OP - call the FOS!
Message 14 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

A little bit off the track....but as a seller, I truly appreciate the ability I have on other sites to be able to cancel a sale and refuse service to someone if I feel it's the most appropriate course of action - an action which requires no input from the buyer and - if done within the right timeframe - removes the buyer's ability to leave any kind of feedback. No different to any other kind of establishment that has the right to vet customers and/or refuse service. 


That being said, I recognise it's not an entirely feasible option on eBay, especially for auctions as the potential for abuse (by sellers) is higher. But still... I can dream about having it for my BIN's. 


The new system requires the buyer to confirm a refund or somesuch, I'm not sure if there's a specific option to disagree to a cancellation request (thus indicating the buyer wants to proceed with the sale), but ultimately it's not any harder or easier to not fulfil a sale, and the potential for consequences remains almost the same - before, if a cancellation was refused, FVF was still charged, feedback could still be left, and nothing could actually impel the seller to still send something. Now, I suppose FVF is a little more likely to be credited (presuming the only option is to confirm a refund or not), feedback can still be left, defects are possible, and nothing could actually impel the seller to still send something. So I guess, by and large the only real practical difference is you're not sure if the seller will be made to pay FVF.


Message 15 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

I dont understand why people are taegetting me and all these karma stuff. I have done nothing wrong - spent my time bidding on the auction and won but to be told that Nope i am not entitled to complete the sale because the seller did not have a high start bid. Does that mean that I can start a low bid and cancel the sale and do that over and over again so I get a bid that I am happy about? The karma should return to the seller who refused to complete a sale. 

Message 16 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

Message 17 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

@20fashionlover11 wrote:

well - if they dont want to let go of the item at low price, they shouldnt have started it at a low price hoping for a bidding war.

Looking at the seller's completed listings the dress seems to be their very first sale, as you would well know eBay encourages sellers to start at a low auction price (whether or not there's a BIN on it - was there?) which in practical terms with the drop in bidders is somewaht like cutting your throat as a seller.


I've looked at the relist on the dress and it's now got a start price of $50.00, so I suspect the seller was sucked in by eBay's ridiculous low start price for audtions, and/or had a BIN on it and didn't realise that it wasn't a reserve and would disappear after the first bid.


I too think you were premature in negging the seller in this instance.




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

@luvpuppy wrote:

I dont understand why people are taegetting me and all these karma stuff. I have done nothing wrong - spent my time bidding on the auction and won but to be told that Nope i am not entitled to complete the sale because the seller did not have a high start bid. Does that mean that I can start a low bid and cancel the sale and do that over and over again so I get a bid that I am happy about? The karma should return to the seller who refused to complete a sale. 

I don't agree with the seller's actions, but I suspect it's the tone of the OP more than anything else. (I mean this by way of a possible explanation, nothing more).


The focus is heavily on punishing the seller for their misdeed, that tends to make people find empathy for the other party. 


The general encouragment to leave negs for sellers probably didn't go down too well, either. Personally, I don't even like to advise people to leave any kind of feedback when I have plenty of details of their specific situation, since each situation is different and some things aren't so clear cut, so certainly wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting any seller who doesn't complete a sale deserves a neg. These things need due consideration, not an outraged knee-jerk reaction.


Message 19 of 25
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Encourage Buyer to leave negative fb when seller refuses to sell

Whatever happened to communicating with the Seller ?  This seems to be a trend that IMO has been forgotten. Most things, with a bit of communication can be worked out. Seems leaving Negs is easier

Message 20 of 25
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