Feedback time too short for buyers

Community Member

I've never left negative or neutral feedback in all the time I've used Ebay.  


I have a few items refunded, but I think that has only been a total of 2 times in 15 years of using ebay.


Currently, I'm assuming because of Covid, packages are taking longer than in my past experience to arrive from China, and this is reflected in the "expected delivery window".


I purchased 3 items on 16th Oct, and the expected delivery windows extend to 17th Dec and 30th Dec.


The 60 day limit on feedback is unfair for both the buyer and seller.  I've noticed quite a lot of negative and neutral feedback for these sellers being "Item not received".  It's not fair for the seller, as, given the current circumstances around Covid, the package legitimately might not arrive within the feedback window.  If the package doesn't arrive within the feedback window, the chances of the seller getting a positive rating for the transaction are close to zero, while the chance of a negative or neutral rating are greatly increased because the buyer can only leave feedback prior to receiving the item.


It's not fair to the buyer either, as if the product doesn't arrive before the feedback cutoff, the buyer doesn't really get the choice to offer fair fairback.  The buyer either, unfairly, rates the seller based on not receiving the product, or alternatively, doesn't get to leave a rating. Being able to rate a seller is what gives me confidence in buying from ebay.


It also diminishes the trust and reputation of Ebay by supporting scammers and penalising honest sellers.  I googled "speedpak" after all three of my purchases being stalled for over 10 days after clearing Australian customs.  It seems a number of sellers are scamming they system, and buyers not being able to leave feedback after 60 days enables the scammers.



Message 1 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

- - - -

@4channel wrote:

There are a few people who resort to bullying here. It is well known and it has been mentioned by myself as well as other members from time to time. They work toogether.

@lyndal1838 wrote:


It is well known that you label anyone a bully who disagrees with you and those who agree with that are your cronies anyway.

Not true lyndal1838!!!!! The only people I have ever referred to as bullies are a small handful that have "their thing going on". Many people I disagree with I can call wrong, "Not looking at facts" or having their opinion that is their own. They're not bullies. There are people I have argued with and I respect their right to have an opinion as wrong as it may be on ocasions. They are not in that certain clique.


This issue here is about feedback being too short. I believe that it is. So does the OP etc..

Message 21 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

We are lucky to receive positive feedback from 1 in 10 sales, 10%. When a buyers expectations are not met that rises to 100%, so one negative feedback has far more consequences to your reputation.

After 60 days if no feedback is provided, I would like to see a positive feedback added to my tally so it reflects the volume of satisfied buyers.

On the Chinese online sites, sellers receive this automatically with the words: This user did not fill in the evaluation.

A crazy buyer jammed us with 3 negatives today, all unjustified.
Message 22 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

You seem to have a lot of crazy buyers, from your reports.


I'm not sure how this relates to extending the time for feedback to be left, though. Surely a longer time-frame would allow more 'unjustified' negs.


You are selling cheap Chinese knockoffs, don't mention it in your listings and are surprised when you get negs? I would certainly be using more than a ziplock bag to post anything metal.


No sympathy, sorry.

Message 23 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers wrote:
We are lucky to receive positive feedback from 1 in 10 sales, 10%. When a buyers expectations are not met that rises to 100%, so one negative feedback has far more consequences to your reputation.

After 60 days if no feedback is provided, I would like to see a positive feedback added to my tally so it reflects the volume of satisfied buyers.

On the Chinese online sites, sellers receive this automatically with the words: This user did not fill in the evaluation.

A crazy buyer jammed us with 3 negatives today, all unjustified.

The issue with that is that it doesn't reflect the volume of satisfied buyers in as much as it reflects the volume of buyers who didn't or don't leave feedback, and for an accurate representation of that in feedback, neutral would be more appropriate and less presumptive, if it were not for the fact that anything less than full marks with a green dot is interpreted as negative (this phenomenon is not exclusive to eBay - there are companies around which have implemented a rating system for customers to evaluate their experience with a tradesperson, salesperson, or customer service rep, usually out of 5 stars, and less than 5 stars can actually jeopardise that person's job, and / or comepnsation, like wages, commission or bonuses etc). 


I would prefer a transaction count, rather than automatic positives, which is an accurate data summary people can interpret in a meaningful way. eg This seller has sold 35,000 items, and has received 19,254 feeback, 19,251 of which were positive.  


The consequences (to sellers) of negative feedback are largely unquantifiable - they don't affect a seller's service metrics or their eBay account at all anymore, they do affect percentages on feedback pages, which may affect the perception of the seller at a glance and may deter some buyers, and I suspect many sellers would say that it affected their sales. (For me, it's really hard to say - I received a neg just after Christmas, and sales have been below average since then so it would be easy for me to say it's because of the neg, but I highly doubt it as there are many other contributing factors at the moment). 


Some sellers will swear blind their sales rose after getting a neg, as though they were getting empathy buys, or their response convinced more prospective buyers that their customer service is actually exemplary. 


So at best I would say they are contributing factors to some results, but not the sole or primary reason for up or down swings. 


Disclaimer, though - I really don't care about feedback one way or the other, that makes me objective in some ways, but it is still a bias, the same way something that is important to someone can result in a bias, something that is unimportant to someone can as well. 

Message 24 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers wrote:
We are lucky to receive positive feedback from 1 in 10 sales, 10%. When a buyers expectations are not met that rises to 100%, so one negative feedback has far more consequences to your reputation.

After 60 days if no feedback is provided, I would like to see a positive feedback added to my tally so it reflects the volume of satisfied buyers.

On the Chinese online sites, sellers receive this automatically with the words: This user did not fill in the evaluation.

A crazy buyer jammed us with 3 negatives today, all unjustified.

You admit to Chinese cheap stuff, so remove the 'RAM compatible' reference.


All they're seeing is RAM

Message 25 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

Especially when 'RAM' and 'compatible' are always separated by other words, thus making it (deliberately?) less obvious.


Not to mention the disclaimer that the items are located in Victoria, thus implying they are not cheap Chinese knockoffs. Or the warning about buying cheap Chinese knockoffs from Chinese sellers. Who would undoubtedly undercut the price.


Risk-reward. Is it better to pay more for cheap Chinese knockoffs and get them sooner, or to pay less and get them from the source?

Message 26 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers wrote:
We are lucky to receive positive feedback from 1 in 10 sales, 10%. When a buyers expectations are not met that rises to 100%, so one negative feedback has far more consequences to your reputation.

After 60 days if no feedback is provided, I would like to see a positive feedback added to my tally so it reflects the volume of satisfied buyers.

On the Chinese online sites, sellers receive this automatically with the words: This user did not fill in the evaluation.

A crazy buyer jammed us with 3 negatives today, all unjustified.

I think an auto tally of total transactions would be fair enough,alongside the feedback record, but I don't think that after 60 days, a transaction should be counted as a positive tick to a seller.

There have been a few occasions where I have with held feedback altogether because I made the decision not to give a neg, but if the system gave auto positives, I'd be stepping in.


As for your negs, I did have a look at your ads and about the first thing in the ads is the word RAM. If your items aren't RAM, it might be better to change the titles. You replied in one comment that the brand was easily visible. I did a double take because while I could see the word compatible, I hadn't noticed what brand it actually was. I had to do a search all over the ad to find it.

I don't think your ads are as up front as they could be and okay, the buyer probably didn't read as carefully as he should have and didn't notice the word compatible, but basically your replies just back up his comments.



Message 27 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

I'd like to know why FB cannot be left when the transaction is complete?


There shouldn't be a time limit arbitrarily placed on leaving FB. 


How is that beneficial or even warranted?


If a transaction takes 100 days to complete for any reason, FB should be able to be left. The 60 day limit lacks intelligence.


Encouraging buyers to leave feedback is another issue, but not allowing buyers to leave feedback post a purchase is just lunacy.

Message 28 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

100 days is okay? How about 365? Or 730? Or 3652?


Most buyers don't even leave feedback. From these boards, a significant, above average, number of buyers only leave negatives. A bit like most 'review' sites.


Given the number of buyers who don't even bother to check feedback prior to purchasing, it would seem to be a blunt weapon, at best.

Message 29 of 45
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Re: Feedback time too short for buyers

@csbowesuk wrote:

I'd like to know why FB cannot be left when the transaction is complete?


There shouldn't be a time limit arbitrarily placed on leaving FB. 


How is that beneficial or even warranted?


If a transaction takes 100 days to complete for any reason, FB should be able to be left. The 60 day limit lacks intelligence.


Encouraging buyers to leave feedback is another issue, but not allowing buyers to leave feedback post a purchase is just lunacy.



Hi  csbowesuk, what you say makes total sense.  The majority of buyers do leave feedback and being able to do so is an important thing. Now with the world in turmoil and postal services being slower at times, people not going out as often, delivery times can be quite long. I have experienced a few where the item arrives just before or even after the 60 days TTLFB (Time to leave feed back).


Prior to May, 2008, we did have 90 days and that worked a lot better then than what it does now. That's for sure!


Feedback is an important feature for a lot of sellers and they rely on that. It's also a necessary guide for buyers too. Many will look at the feedback to see if there are patterns of behavior with a certain seller, grading accuracy and communication as well.  


Yes, at the very least, the 3 months / 90 days should be restored.


Your saying ....   "If a transaction takes 100 days to complete for any reason, FB should be able to be left."


makes sense, has a high degree of common sense and is certainly worthy of consideration.

Message 30 of 45
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