How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

Community Member

Hi guys


I have noticed two different items for sale that have misleading discriptions, and the report system is lacking to report thes effectively.


They give options in drop down menues and no option is adiqite for the situation.


Same goes for trying to contact ebay, It's like they don't want to effectively help potentual buyers.




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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

Honored Contributor

How do  you know the descriptions are misleading?

Unless you have received an item that is not as described then you cannot report anything.

Ebay will not take your word for it as you could be a competitor wanting to destroy the seller's reputation.

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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

*sigh* Both are vintage amps, and I know the models well, and the correct info can be found with a quick Google too. I messaged one seller to help him with the correct information and got a blank reply from him, his sale fell through (i wonder why?) and he has listed again with misleading description.

Example, would you think it OK to advertise a 1972 Mustang as a 1967 Mustang?

For the other one I'll also use the car example, would you think it OK to list it being a V8 when in fact it is a 4 cylinder version?
Message 3 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

I have since messaged the other seller in question as to why in the title he describes the item incorrectly, be may see the logic where the other seller refuses, I'm trying to help bot potential buyers and the sellers in question.

I have not sold anything on ebay for 2 years now, as it is no longer worth the trouble and expense, but I do by from reputable sellers.
Message 4 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

Sorry about the typos in that last post 🙂
Message 5 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

What methods are you using to contact ebay?


To the top right of the screen is a section called Customer Support - go in there, select contact us - pick the closest category you can find and follow the prompts until you get to a bit where it gives you contact oiptions. In lots of the sections, there's an option to get them to call you - usually in a few minutes.


look for one of those, and you'll undoubtedly get some lip service telling you they understand and will do something...


worth a shot if this concerns you so much.


But it is good that you are trying to help keep eBay safe trading place for others, so thanks for that.


One day, people may even learn to research things too. one day. maybe.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 6 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

Cheers, Crikey.

So close enough is good enough, will try that then, I was just a bit perplexed that nothing was very close to the issue when I tried. I would have thought they could have an option like "other".

Thanks again, and of course I'll wait for the second (lesser issue) one to respond before I refer his to ebay.
I used to sell here and found that if the description was not spot on, then it ended up being an inconvenience for myself and the buyer too. I really do believe that the ebay experience should be great for both sellers and buyers alike.

Glad this forum is here and you guys are too, to help.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

You're welcome.


and i agree.


It helps out the sellers and the buyers.


It's such a headache for a seller to get an unhappy customer, and then all the dramas of exchange/refund etc.


easier if you can get it right the first time and everything goes smoothly.


Pain for buyers too - the delay in  getting whAT THEY WANT (oops sorry), often the cost and inconvenience of return for same.


But I fear there will always be mugs on both sides of the fence.


Maybe you should stick around the boards and share your experience with others as they need and ask for help/advice. It is a pretty cool place, and I've learned heaps, just from reading the boards.


Lots of really knowledgeable people who are very generous with their time and experience.


Hope to see you around,


as for is close enough good enough LOL, I'm not sure they know or at least tell too much wherever you get to, but at least with the telephone call, it's done and you're not hanging around like a shag on a rock waiting for answers.


I find the advice and knowledge shared here on the boards is usually far more accurate and helpful. But I'm sure they do their best.


Have a good day

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 8 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

Umm...looks like you can't acually add a comment to a report.


I'm not comfortable making a report that is far from factual, so maybe I'll just have to let that one that insists on misleading buyers go, but he has already had one buyer renig, and It's probibly because they realised they were not buying bwhat he was advertising.


Thanks anyway guys, will have to just hope potentual buyers reaserch before bidding.


I'll try contacting him again with links to the facts! on the item he has for sale.

Message 9 of 16
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Re: How do I report misleading sales if the report system is lacking to do so effectively?

nooooo - ring em! talk to someone! Ring eBay - did you find the "contact us" tab?


(well they don't start work till about 8am, but you can ring em then LOL)

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 10 of 16
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