I paid money for good quality.


Thank you for your email. I am satisfied with the eBay team and management, but unfortunately sometimes the seller does not fulfill his commitment and I, the buyer, get into trouble and always if I encounter a problem, I try to inform the seller. Most of the time, the problem is solved. But sometimes I make money but I get bad or poor quality goods and if the seller does not solve the problem I can not write good feedback and share my shopping experience with others so that others are careful before buying so that like me my money Do not throw in the rubish bin. 

Thank you

Message 1 of 6
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Re: I paid money for good quality.



Nobody on these boards emailed you.


It seems that you are under the impression that by posting here, you are contacting eBay. I'm sorry; that isn't the case.


If you wish to contact eBay, you can do so by using the eBay Live Chat option. (Go to the Help page, scroll down, and the Chat link will be available during business hours.)


However, if you've been emailed by eBay, be aware that it is a generic bot-generated email, and that eBay is not really interested in feedback by buyers or sellers on eBay... unless it is in response to one of their occasional (and carefully crafted, very limited) surveys.


Do you have some issues that you'd like to discuss on these boards? The responders here (who are fellow eBay buyers and sellers, many of whom have considerable experience and know the policies here backwards, forwards, upside down and inside out) might be able to offer some advice, or at least some insight!


Message 2 of 6
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Re: I paid money for good quality.

You have been a member for nearly FIVE years. If you haven't encountered any issues in that time, congratulations. It means you should have in that time read the eBay Buyer guidelines.


If you have had issues previously it means you should have read the eBay Buyer guidelines.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: I paid money for good quality.

Just wondering if the OP has over used  (abused) the  MBG.    OP seems to have plenty of issues with purchases not meeting his perceived quality.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: I paid money for good quality.

I think eBay has contacted them about feedback extortion. There’s some pretty damning evidence in their feedback left for others. 

Message 5 of 6
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Re: I paid money for good quality.

Quite possible  Shivers, more red dots than coles, and a big pile of discarded goods.  Looks shonky to me.

Message 6 of 6
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