I've committed to buy but "sellers can't accept payment". Listing was from 2 years ago!

Community Member

As per title.


I commit to buy a few days ago, and received the error message "The sellers can't accept payments right now. Contact them for help."


I did so immediately, and also searched for this issue which I see could have been a problem with my cart at my end, or with their paypal.  I didn't seem to be able to resolve it at my end either through mobile app (where I initially committed) or on my PC.


I then suspected maybe something wasn't right so I requested to cancel the order.  I've had no correspondence from the seller.


I've also realised (which I didn't see in the app), is that the listing was last updated over 2 years ago (it's a pair of shoes), so somehow I think the user is not active anymore.  Their other listings are also 2 years old.  They did have 100% +ve feedback.


I am getting reminders from ebay to make payment, which I cannot do.  I definitely want the order cancelled now though, as I highly doubt I'd get the item even if I did pay.


Do I just wait for ebay to confirm that the order has been cancelled, or am I going to be penalised in some way?

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Re: I've committed to buy but "sellers can't accept payment". Listing was from 2 years ago

At present, sellers can leave items listed for many years as BINS. They just keep on rolling over until they sell. I have sold items that have been listed for 5 or 6 years.


If you click on the sellers " items for sale " and then look in the menu on the LH side of listings you can click on the sellers " sold items " This will show if they have actively sold anything in the last few months. Feedback as a seller will give another indication of recent sales and account activity.


As for the cancellation request, the seller may not check their account regularly if not much is happening and may not see your cancellation request. You will not be penalised by ebay for not paying unless the seller opens an unpaid item dispute. They have to actually go through a couple of steps to start this. It is not automatic. If the dispute is opened you will be notified through ebay messages. You will then have four days to arrange payment. If the non payment dispute is activated by the seller and there is a technical glitch preventing you from paying, you will need to contact CS. for assistance.


So long as the non payment dispute in the resolution centre is not activated by the seller, you should not have any problems just ignoring the messages and waiting for the purchase to drop off of your buyer list.

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Re: I've committed to buy but "sellers can't accept payment". Listing was from 2 years ago

Or it could be eBay is back to their (not so old) tricks from a few months ago when they decided to be helpful by re-listing things sold months ago without the seller's knowledge ?

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Re: I've committed to buy but "sellers can't accept payment". Listing was from 2 years ago

I would follow the suggestions others have made.

If you don't hear from the seller and you cannot make contact, then just leave it.

The only way you would be penalised is if the seller raised an "Item Not Paid" dispute and you then DIDN'T pay for it, you would get a strike against your account.

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