on 26-03-2014 10:53 AM
As the tittle of my thread suggests, i am getting pretty ticked of with some sellers who get your money and when asked a question, just wont reply. Also i have found some sellers take an age to post an item, and when you ask where the item is, they get really angry at being asked questions.
on 26-03-2014 10:57 AM
Nope not just you.
But there is more sellers that do communicate than don't.
on 26-03-2014 11:05 AM
I had one last week, After 9 days I sent a polit message saying something like I haven't received my item yet and you haven't marked it as posted, I was wondering if you had posted it so that I know to look for it, or if not, when you may do so?
(one state away, handling time 2 days)
she abused me for being demanding! said she had been sick and yada yada and I should show some understanding and compassion etc etc
(my crystal ball was broken and she had never told me, so how was I to know?)
and wrote in my feedback that I was a demanding buyer!