Negative Feedback removed

Community Member

How is it that a negative feedback I left for a seller has been removed after 1 week after posting?

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Re: Negative Feedback removed

It's usually due to the feedback violating policy.

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Re: Negative Feedback removed

There was no malice or rude comments, simply a statement of fact that thgere was no indication of extensive damage.  Yet it was removed.  Absolutely no policy violation.

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Re: Negative Feedback removed

There is another post from a few days ago of eBay doing that to someone else


Best I can suggest, if you have time (and I know you should'nt have to) is use the have us call you option and ask to speak to a supervisor and ask if they will explain why it was removed, and if they can't give a valid reason, request for it to be re-instated 

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