Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Okay today I opened a dispute after trying to deal with a seller and get him to respond to ebays process.

I bought a brand new never used monitor off of him.

When it arrived it contained only a monitor and base absolutely no cables no power adapter nothing.

I contacted him on the day I got the monitor and asked where the cables were. He said they were in the box.

I said they were not there he asked if box was sealed. I said it was he wanted to talk to Aus post that was fine with me. But I opened a thing with ebay not paypal to be safe.

I said if he could find the cables and missing bits all would be fine.

he said he would refund me if I returned the monitor.

I said I would return it if he paid all postage . He refused. I said it is not my error and would not pay postage.

He said ebay says I would have to pay. I have heard differently. I asked him more than once to sespond to the ebay dispute he didn't Ialso told him it was not with paypal. 

He claims I was rude and difficult to work with. He has 150 things of %100 feed back I have over 600 in %100.

Today time was up I escalated the claim and I copped a rather rude message.

What should I do?

If it was just a power cable I would not have worried but it was all cables.

Message 1 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Seller responded today. Finally offered a credit of 20 didn't say what it was for. I assume I will get a full refund of the initial transaction $141 and change back, and can use this 20 credit to return the item?

Message 31 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@mark.wooba wrote:


@padi*0409 wrote:

A lot of the abuse in the aformentioned thread came from your keyboard, notably the 5 or more very recent ones that were deleted by the mods..


You mean the ones where I objected to being called "stupid" and a "scamer(sic)"?

Yes, I suppose I should have taken those on the chin, eh? I mean, you've gotta cut tall poppies down here, it seems....

There you go, a BP'er as well as a tosser..........a two for one deal.


as to your sig - get over yourself mate - there are members here who have forgotten more than you pretend to know!


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 32 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@swinnys1 wrote:

Seller responded today. Finally offered a credit of 20 didn't say what it was for. I assume I will get a full refund of the initial transaction $141 and change back, and can use this 20 credit to return the item?

You may want to clarify that with them, as they could just be offering you a small partial refund and think that will be the end of it, which might have been acceptable if it covered the cost of the missing components, but probably less so if the monitor itself is not as described as well. 

Message 33 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Sounds good, i hopeSmiley Happy it all works out for you.

Message 34 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

This thread is a good indicator of the vast differences in people's attitudes here on ebay.

Most buyers are honest,reasonable & realistic people. Most sellers are honest,reasonable & realistic people.


This guys statement indicates what type of ebayer he is. "And don't forget to leave a negative feedback, no matter how this turns out"


Who would want his money now?






Message 35 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Nope, and i'm sure he's made a few special lists. Smiley Surprised

Message 36 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@robinsonmarineparts wrote:

Nope, and i'm sure he's made a few special lists. Smiley Surprised

Only a few? I'd say a LOT! 29 negs, 30 neutrals and 6 withdrawn, one has to wonder why, when you're Australia's unluckiest buyer, you'd keep using eBay? I highly doubt he would try and contact the seller before slogging them. Another trigger happy buyer who will find his buying restricted from a lot of sellers.

Message 37 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@swinnys1 wrote:
I bought a brand new never used monitor off of him. When it arrived it contained only a monitor and base absolutely no cables no power adapter nothing. I contacted him on the day I got the monitor and asked where the cables were. He said they were in the box. I said I would return it if he paid all postage . He refused. I said it is not my error and would not pay postage. He claims I was rude and difficult to work with. Today time was up I escalated the claim and I copped a rather rude message. The item listed as brand new never used but had nothing but monitor and base no cables no manuals nothing. The box has a different model number to the one written on the sellers page. The monitor of model number he was selling is different to the one I received. Seller responded today. Finally offered a credit of 20 didn't say what it was for

That's an awful experience with that seller, swinnys1. This is richly deserving of a negative feedback. I don't want to buy anything from him, and your negative will help me avoid him. Thanks, pal, and good luck!

Message 38 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

it's suitable to open a paypal or ebay case when no reponse,but had better not to leave an unfair feedback easily.
Message 39 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Unfair? After he was sent something he didn't buy? And then the seller got nasty?
Message 40 of 63
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