Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Okay today I opened a dispute after trying to deal with a seller and get him to respond to ebays process.

I bought a brand new never used monitor off of him.

When it arrived it contained only a monitor and base absolutely no cables no power adapter nothing.

I contacted him on the day I got the monitor and asked where the cables were. He said they were in the box.

I said they were not there he asked if box was sealed. I said it was he wanted to talk to Aus post that was fine with me. But I opened a thing with ebay not paypal to be safe.

I said if he could find the cables and missing bits all would be fine.

he said he would refund me if I returned the monitor.

I said I would return it if he paid all postage . He refused. I said it is not my error and would not pay postage.

He said ebay says I would have to pay. I have heard differently. I asked him more than once to sespond to the ebay dispute he didn't Ialso told him it was not with paypal. 

He claims I was rude and difficult to work with. He has 150 things of %100 feed back I have over 600 in %100.

Today time was up I escalated the claim and I copped a rather rude message.

What should I do?

If it was just a power cable I would not have worried but it was all cables.

Message 1 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Thanks Mark,


If i need a clown i'll keep you in mind.Smiley Happy

Message 51 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@robinsonmarineparts wrote:

Yeah, he's coming to visit me. Smiley Wink

Must be coming to mine after yours! I wonder if someone's had a little holiday given they have been quiet for the last few days?

Message 52 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@mark.wooba wrote:
Robinson, you're not worth it.

padi, please put me on your blocked list. Most sellers here would qualify for my blocked seller list, if eBay would only allow me to have one.

mark.potamus, eBay do provide you with the opportunity to block sellers of your choosing from your search results.  It has been posted on the boards before.


bsal posted the method on my Helpful advice for buyers thread a while ago (post #49).​vice-for-buyers/m-p/1551627#M46686


Here it is (as posted by bsal):


Click on Advanced (Next to the search button)

Scoll down to Sellers

Tick the "Only show items from:" box

Change Include to EXCLUDE

Type in username of seller to exclude from your searched items.


I took a screen grab to show this part of the advanced search


exclude sellers.JPG


You can change "Exclude" to "Include" and then list multiple sellers with a comma between IDs.


Once you conduct a search that excludes sellers you do not wish to see you can save the search.


**Once again, credit goes to bsal for this information**

Message 53 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Ha,ha,ha Smiley Very Happy


I hope i'm not on his blocked sellers list.Smiley Wink

Message 54 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@mark.wooba wrote:
Robinson, you're not worth it.

padi, please put me on your blocked list. Most sellers here would qualify for my blocked seller list, if eBay would only allow me to have one.

mark, eBay does allow buyers to block sellers from their search results.


bsal posted the method on my Helpful advice for buyers thread a while ago (post #49).​vice-for-buyers/m-p/1551627#M46686


Here it is (as posted by bsal):


Click on Advanced (Next to the search button)

Scoll down to Sellers

Tick the "Only show items from:" box

Change Include to EXCLUDE

Type in username of seller to exclude from your searched items.


I took a screen grab to show this part of the advanced search


exclude sellers.JPG


You can change "Exclude" to "Include" and then list multiple sellers with a comma between IDs.


**Once again, credit goes to bsal for this information**

Message 55 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

swinnys1 said:

Seller responded today. Finally offered a credit of 20 didn't say what it was for. I assume I will get a full refund of the initial transaction $141 and change back, and can use this 20 credit to return the item?



I've just read through your initial post and some others and it seems to me there is a lot wrong with this transaction, from missing parts to different serial numbers that don't match what you were sold.


I would assume nothing. The seller might simply mean the credit as a refund for the missing cables and think that is the finish of the matter. They may just keep the money now and move on, thinking they have, after all, given a partial refund as compesation. I find it very strange they didn't send a message to explain their intentions or what they were doing.


Of course, they could mean the $20 to be postage costs so you can return it, but without any communication it is hard for you to know for sure.


I would send a message to the dealer, and ask.


But this is one case where you didn't receive what you paid for, by the sounds of it, so it is fair enough to be making a claim.


As for feedback, that is up to you after the transaction is completed. The seller may step up to the mark and replace your item or may refund you in full. I think though that whatever the colour dot you decide to give, if i were in this position i would probably mark the seller down in communication stars because you received one abusive message plus no message at all with the $20 refund. But.. wait and see how the transaction goes and make a decision down the track after it is all resolved. See how you feel then as you will be in a better position to judge.





Message 56 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@mark.wooba wrote:
Robinson, you're not worth it.

padi, please put me on your blocked list. Most sellers here would qualify for my blocked seller list, if eBay would only allow me to have one.

you can by using the 'Advanced' feature beside the Search box at the top of most pages.


bsal posted this on another thread some time back:


Click on Advanced (Next to the search button)

Scoll down to Sellers

Tick the "Only show items from:" box

Change Include to EXCLUDE

Type in username of seller to exclude from your searched items.


Here's a screengrab to help show this:


Message 57 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

(something went haytwire with that last post)


Here's the screengrab


exclude sellers.JPG

Message 58 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Yeah, I know you can do this, but it's real clunky compared to a blocked buyer list, which operates automagically.
Message 59 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@mark.wooba wrote:
Yeah, I know you can do this, but it's real clunky compared to a blocked buyer list, which operatesautomagically.

no pleasing some people.  You did write:

padi, please put me on your blocked list. Most sellers here would qualify for my blocked seller list, if eBay would only allow me to have one.


If you do regular searches for the same things it can be done very easily.


What you do to make it "less clunky" is open and save a word document called "BSL" and place the names of sellers you would want on a blocked seller list if there was one.  This becomes your Blocked Seller List.  Just make sure to put a comma after each ID.  When you want to do a search you just cut and paste that list in to the advanced search and search.  When the results page loads you just refine that search with things like listings from Australia only and save the search.  When you want to conduct the same search again you just choose it from your 'Searches You Follow' list.


It is that simple.


AND, to make it even more simple, look at the items sold by the sellers from these boards that you would not like to buy from.  Only add the names of those sellers that sell the sorts of things you would search for.  For example, if you do not search for film cameras then it would be useless putting me on your list as that, and film camera related gear, is all I sell on this ID.

Message 60 of 63
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