Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

Seller offered genuine item roughly 30$ cheaper then anywhere else. Item he posted turned out to be a well known very poor quality copy of the genuine item. I lodged a dispute with paypal and was refunded full purchase in under 2 days.

Ive still got the item??What do i do with it? I,ve had no notification from anyone ((paypal,seller,or ebay) as to how or where to return it.

I,ll glady send it back but have no intention on paying for his postage for the heap of **bleep**.

Message 1 of 36
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Accepted Solutions

Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

You are bloody lucky.
Normally you HAVE to send item back under EBay's policy for any chance of refund - at your cost, which is bull**bleep**.
If you can, contact seller and ask them if they want it returned at THEIR cost.
Then either send it, keep it or chuck it - you did your bit.

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

You are bloody lucky.
Normally you HAVE to send item back under EBay's policy for any chance of refund - at your cost, which is bull**bleep**.
If you can, contact seller and ask them if they want it returned at THEIR cost.
Then either send it, keep it or chuck it - you did your bit.
Message 2 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

I suspect hes about to have several other buyers also demanding refunds. It hasnt been long.

Item received friday, despute lodged with paypal same day.

Seller agrees to refund Saturday. Money returned to paypal account 6 hours later.

I might leave it a couple days, i,m hoping its not a paypal glitch.

I,ve already spent the money on another seller that is actually selling the genuine items.

Message 3 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

Fake items are not allowed to be posted. Maybe that is why you were refunded without having to post back.
Message 4 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

I cant believe the seller is still selling these. Hes offered 10 more for sale.

Blatent copywrite fraud.

Offers a lifetime warranty which the original items are legend for,

which doesnt come with the ones he sends.

The items he sends out look nothing like items described, parts missing, no serial numbers ect.

I dont get it. Everyone that buys through paypal will be demanding a refund the same day it arrives as i did.

What can he possible gain/?

Message 5 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

All these revisions??For the exact same item at the exact same auction. And ebay does nothing.

I  guess fraud is good for business



Revision summary for item #271643277862


The seller has revised the following item information:
Date Time Revised Information
22-Oct-1421:34:37 AEDST

Listing Duration

27-Oct-1417:47:57 AEDST

Postage Terms

28-Oct-1413:03:12 AEDST

Postage Terms

28-Oct-1421:06:31 AEDST

Postage Terms

30-Oct-1418:26:21 AEDST

Postage Terms

01-Nov-1411:50:45 AEDST

Postage Terms

Message 6 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

Ive just read a post on the sellers section entitled Whats happened to all the buyers.

Lmao are you,s serious???I imagine they,ve all sick of being robbed.

He we go again same auction least theres a smatter of truth in this one, in the description at least.

What you receive in the post however looks nothing like the description.

Its fully copied and pasted from manufactors web site including photos.




There now 40$ cheaper then advertised first????ON THE VERY SAME ITEM,




Message 7 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

@justkidzbiz wrote:
Fake items are not allowed to be posted. Maybe that is why you were refunded without having to post back.

Where did you get that from?

Who is going to know what is in a parcel anyway?

Message 8 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

I have been sympathetic to your issue with that seller, however, as a seller who is an HONEST seller, I take offence at your last message. Just because you've had one or 2 bad experiences with dodgy sellers, you have no right to put all sellers in the same category. 95% of sellers are honest and do the right thing.


Have you bothered reporting the listings, or are you just coming on here mouthing off about them? If you are sure they are fakes RING eBay and tell them. Given there are billions of active listings at any time, they can't monitor each and every one. They rely on members reporting dodgy listings and dodgy sellers. You may not see instant results, but they do take reports seriously. It can take 2-3 weeks to see any obvious action.

Message 9 of 36
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Re: Seller posted me a fake item, which was a complete fraud.

@lyndal1838 wrote:

@justkidzbiz wrote:
Fake items are not allowed to be posted. Maybe that is why you were refunded without having to post back.

Where did you get that from?

Who is going to know what is in a parcel anyway?

I was wondering that too. I've posted plenty of fake items (they are sold as fakes....or copies, whichever word one prefers). If you weren't allowed to post fakes, the postage system would come to a screaming halt!!

Message 10 of 36
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