Stop Chinese scams

Two items purchased this week with iitem locations in Sydney. Turns out they are location scammers from Hong Kong and China. They dont have anything in Australia and have likely never set foot here. My items do not arrive on time and the scammers have supplied a chinese tracking number. Its been enterd as an Auspost tracking number through ebay but Auspost website does not recognise the number.  


Ebay are fully aware but because they make a cut from these scams and because there are so many it's a good revenue. This started becoming an absolute joke.. People select the AUSTRALIA ONLY BUTTON all they get is dozens of Chinese scammers misrepresenting the location. Its been happening for more than a decade.



What we need to do is get together. There needs to be mass complaints at the same time to the ACCC and also members of parliment. Regarding this. Given the current situation i think it's about time people start to wake up to deceptive Chinese. 


Who wants to join me?


Message 1 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

@mistydawnfreedom wrote:

I agree, this must stop, sellers misrepresenting item as being in Australia, only after purchasing notice the item is sent from China.

Now China has thousands of containers sitting on docks not going anywhere in the forseeable future.

Ebay stop the ripoff !

Can we get together and start a class action lawsuit against Ebay for fraudelently allowing sellers on their platform allowing for us to be scammed.

No we can't. eBay is a platform only. And has no control over Chinese (or any non-Australian) sellers. Even those who list on the Australian site.


Can I assume you checked the seller's feedback and where they are registered prior to purchase? If you did, did you consider that a Chinese registered seller, 90% of the time, does not have stock in Australia?


If not, why not? The onus is on you, the buyer, to check such things when deciding to purchase from a particular seller.


Feel free to take legal action on your own. I'm sure many of us will be interested in the outcome. Btw: the way class actions work is for somebody to find a lawyer to take the case on, who then trolls for others in the same situation.

Message 31 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

@mistydawnfreedom wrote:

The people on here defending this scam are the very ones comitting the scam I bet there are millions of them in this forum.

I am an Australian who has stock in my possession listed in Australia. Does that make me a scammer?  I expect my buyers to do their due diligence. Something you seem to be unable to understand.


And there certainly aren't millions of posters on the eBay Australia boards. Probably not on all the boards, globally. Hyperbole is the justification of the uninformed.

Message 32 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

@mistydawnfreedom wrote:


Can we get together and start a class action lawsuit against Ebay for fraudelently allowing sellers on their platform allowing for us to be scammed.

If you want to take action against ebay I suggest you don't say anything on the boards.


It is against posting policy to agitate against ebay and it could see you kicked of the boards.

Message 33 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

@mistydawnfreedom wrote:

The people on here defending this scam are the very ones comitting the scam I bet there are millions of them in this forum.

This gave me a smile.

I certainly don't defend the scam & I doubt most aussie sellers would like it either as it is deceptive on the part of the overseas sellers and could turn off some potential customers from using ebay or trusting it.


These boards though just contain Australian buyers & sellers for the most part and not millions of them either. Not even thousands. Probably less than a hundred or so regulars, if the truth be known.

What i am saying is we wouldn't have a lot of clout with ebay.

Message 34 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

@proshop71 wrote:

Well because its a scam. It called item location misrepresentaion. No storm in a tea cup. Life goes on but this is not 1999 anymore. Look ate what happening to the world. This pandemic is not and accident.   Regardless, my point is not that i have been deseaved but just the fact that ebay allow it to happen for over a decade now. I have been scammed many times from china I have imported and sold half a million dollars worth on ebay and know very well how deceptful Chinese sellers are. Is allowing it a scam,, YES!  


I am a disability pensioner and heart lung patient, I need a mask, i need one local in this pandemic,, all boarders shut, need mask to protect my life and i dont have a lot of money, i press Australia only. I buy from Sydney Australia. Item still no show 3 weeks later. Opens case for refund, item shows up after 1 month. Item is fake defective not as described yet ebay has closes case due to tracking number sayng delivered. Case apeal, Now week 5 or 6 weeks trying to get refund.. Not only that, Ebay removes the item but does nothing to seller. At this stage buyer can not leave feedback. 


No storm in tea cup but this is how Ebay lets direspectful lowlife animals make money as long as they pay a cut. Because they are rearly stopped from doing it.



So why do you keep buying from China? Come on, are you trying to tell us with your experience you don't check where they are registered? Registered in China and I stop right there, regardless of what the listing says. I'll say it again, at the risk of sounding like a cracked record, if you want to stop these sellers, then stop buying from them! It really isn't rocket science and tight wads who continue to take their business offshore, then complain about the service, are quite frankly getting a bit tiresome to listen to

Message 35 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams



     do not buy Donning a surgical mask... Don't tell me, people have been panic-buying these as well?from China.




Just... don't.




Message 36 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

This is the dumbest thing I've heard.


I ordered from and their stock is coming from overseas despite the site being listed as ".au"


But I don't complain that "Ermagad Nike is scamming people by not having their stock on OUR shores. Lets boycott because of pAtRiOtIsm"

Message 37 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

The problem lies with people wanting someone else to do the leg work instead of putting in 5 minutes of research before buying something. Or communicating with the seller or buyer before buying.


I rarely buy from people from feedback over 10,000 because I know 30% of their feedback wil be negative and stock may not come within the timeframe I need


If I paid for express postage I would message the seller within 4 days of not getting it and ask for a tracking if not there

Message 38 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

Message 39 of 54
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Re: Stop Chinese scams

One of the good things coming out of this pandemic is education... buyers are now slowly learning the hard way.  After one or two delivery failures they might learn a few things:


1. Cheap prices + fast delivery = doesn't exist and never will.

2. Any item under $10 generally speaking is not supplied locally when 500g of postage costs $8.95.

3. When any listing screams 'AU Warehouse' 'Australia Post' - BUYER BEWARE.

4. Any seller with 5 digit feedback is more likely to be in China or Hong Kong.


(Would some of the regular posters chime so we can create a TOP 10 !)


Message 40 of 54
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