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The GSP company Pitney Bowes is absolutely killing my purchases from the USA .

I'm not sure if this a complaint about ebay OR this terrible GSP company called "Pitney Bowes " , or both ? Ever since this arrangement came into existence my purchases from USA sellers has by necessity plummeted to an all time low because of highly inflated shipping costs ,and totally ridiculous constraints on international shipping . Pitney Bowes take note :- a Wusthof kitchen knife is not " A weapon of Mass Destruction " so please stop blocking my bids.

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

I'm afraid you are wasting your time replying to canberrafisher.....they have not posted on the boards for a year so are unlikely to even see your post.

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

It's bordering on spam now

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

@imastawka wrote:

It's bordering on spam now

If you are referring to me imastawka when using the term spam, then I advise you to think carefully about what you have said.

I am just excercising my right in a free country to engage in conversatio and reply with my feelings on a subject.


ken6311, who is the orginator of this thread has stated: "Ever since this arrangement came into existence my purchases from USA sellers has by necessity plummeted to an all time low because of highly inflated shipping costs".


canberrafisher has stated: "I just got stung by these crooked **bleep**s. I had no idea what this charge was on my PP account NEVER had it before."


What I have done is excercise my right to partake in a discussion relating to this subject that I am interested in. I have also commented on 2 other similar threads. The reason why I have engaged in this discussion is because, 

* I have a right to

* It is costing me much more money to buy the things I want

* I see many people talking about this and how it affects them

* I don't like to see other people suffering

* I believe in open discussions on subjects to find ways to improve things.


So if you and others feel that I don't have this right and what I and others say offends you then I do apologise but I won't be bullied into silence.

And in relation to another member here on this thread who appears to be mocking canberrafisher. Well, all I can say is that it's not a good look.

Again, my apologies if you find what I say is contrary to what you feel I should be allowed to say. However I feel I have a right to engage in a subject that I have strong feelings on.

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

However I feel I have a right to engage in a subject that I have strong feelings on


I agree.   But what I don't agree with, is resurrecting old threads to voice those

concerns.    It's unnecessary.


One thread to have your say.  Not 3 or 4,  or more

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

@4channel wrote: 

So if you and others feel that I don't have this right and what I and others say offends you then I do apologise but I won't be bullied into silence.

And in relation to another member here on this thread who appears to be mocking canberrafisher. Well, all I can say is that it's not a good look.

Again, my apologies if you find what I say is contrary to what you feel I should be allowed to say. However I feel I have a right to engage in a subject that I have strong feelings on.

I think everyone who posts here understands that you have a right to voice an opinion, and to tell of your experiences with the GSP, and to invite others to share their experiences.


What many posters do not agree with is you opening many old threads and posting what amounts to the similar content over and over again.  Some refer to this repetition as spamming, and this is why you are getting comments you do not like in reply to your posts.


My advice, start a new thread, tell your story, invite others to comment and reply to those that post on your thread.  If other threads start up about the GSP then by all means comment on those threads, but don't repeat your posts over and over again on multiple threads as members stop reading as soon as they think they have read them before . . . . . . post a link to the thread you start so that others can read your story.


If you continue the way you are going you are likely to have your posts reported and this may or may not lead to sanctions, which could remove your ability to post here.


Please, start one thread and post on that thread and let others offer constructive advice on dealing with the GSP and how to minimise its effect on buyers.  If you have come to these boards hoping to just receive sympathetic replies to your situation then you have come to the wrong place.




Message 15 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes

Dear k1ooo-slr-sales ,

You say: "What many posters do not agree with is you opening many old threads and posting what amounts to the similar content over and over again.  Some refer to this repetition as spamming, and this is why you are getting comments you do not like in reply to your posts"


Please don't be misleading here because that is exactly what you are doing. And you saying MANY old threads is waaaaay off. If deliberate, then you are being dishionest here. If not deliberate then you are grossly incorrect and need to please check your facts. I am replying to 2 active threads and also 1 or 2 others from last year. I have also engaged in other non-related subjects.


You say:   I"f you continue the way you are going you are likely to have your posts reported and this may or may not lead to sanctions, which could remove your ability to post here."


Please don't make insinuations or make out that I am doing something wrong just to have me censored. And please do not exaggerate and blowing things way out of proporation.

You say: "Please, start one thread and post on that thread and let others offer constructive advice on dealing with the GSP and how to minimise its effect on buyers.  If you have come to these boards hoping to just receive sympathetic replies to your situation then you have come to the wrong place"


Please don't be silly. I have just been debating the subject here and also replying to the originators of the threads. That's all nothing more.  And thtis is what makes things goo, healthy debate!


 And , I'm not referring to you, but ...  if someone wants to appoint themselves as an apologist for Putney Blowes or whatever that mob is then more fun to them. I for one excersise my right to debate and lend an ear to those who feel they have been ripped off.  Very sorry if my existance here on these boards offends thee.

Message 16 of 17
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Re: Pitney Bowes




you say:

I am replying to 2 active threads and also 1 or 2 others from last year.


The "1 or 2 others from last year" were actually started on 26-09-2014 and 04-02-2015  . . . . . . . "last year", is this misleading? Please check your facts.




you say:

Please don't be silly. I have just been debating the subject here and also replying to the originators of the threads. That's all nothing more. And thtis is what makes things goo, healthy debate!


The problem with that is that the members you are replying to haven't logged in to the boards since they posted the posts you are replying to.  If they haven't logged in there is no way of knowing if they are still reading the boards, but I think it is a safe bet that they are not!




you say:

I for one excersise my right to debate and lend an ear to those who feel they have been ripped off.


Nothing wrong with that, but they are not reciprocating.




you say:

Very sorry if my existance here on these boards offends thee.


You have every right to post here on the boards and your existence on these boards is not offensive, and you have every right to start a new thread to generate debate.  New threads enable debate to be current and not out of date.  Some of the advice on those old threads is not current, especially to older GSP threads as we have much more knowledge and understanding about the GSP and how it works now.




Message 17 of 17
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