This is a scam, right?

Item Number: 223577589424


This listing of a Nintendo Switch comes across as a definite scam with an unusally low price, quantity of 100 and, pictures and description stolen from some UK online store. Even so, I see that 82/100 have been sold which brings me to doubt whether this is a scam or just a lot of people falling for one. Could someone confirm for me?

Message 1 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

137? Ebay....what are you doing????
Message 21 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

148? 25 sold in 1 hour?

Beggars belief
Message 22 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

What makes this even sadder is that the exact same listing by another hacked account was within the same week and got put down within a few hours of being reported.
Message 23 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

And another one:223578187438
Message 24 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

What can I say? The more people that report this listing , the better!
Message 25 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

is that the right number? Can't see anything....
Message 26 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

173 and climbing....abysmal
Message 27 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

There has been 5 in the last few weeks and you generally don't get them removed quickly as there is only a


skeleton crew on the weekends and scammers list on the weekends for that reason.


Just remember to look next weekend for the new listing.



Message 28 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

It's just that in comparison to the other ones I've seen this one seems to be taking the longest to be removed. Furthermore 223578187438 which was newly listed a few hours ago has already been removed while this one is still there with apparently 222 sold.

Message 29 of 43
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Re: This is a scam, right?

256 now. They have done well. They have hit their target, and that is low feedback buyers who are suckers still think eBay is the place to get a bargain. I don't know how much these things are really worth, but I'm guessing it's a bit more than what this listing is for. Sadly, you can't save people from themselves. If it's on the internet, it must be true. 


As soon as one listing is shut down, a new one is created and the whole cycle starts again. More low feedback buyers who think they have found a bargain, because we all know that eBay is a big garage sale, where everything is a bargain. Most will lose their money because they don't know they can claim a refund. By the time they realise the item isn't going to arrive, the scammer is long gone.


He's done quite well out of this listing! A great weeks pay for a few minutes work. Makes we want to become a scammer! I too could sit at home and have idiots people throw money at me.

Message 30 of 43
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