Top rated sellers filter gone?

Community Member

Hi everyone,


Does anybody know if the top rated sellers filter is still accessible in the filters? last time I was using it, there was always a checkbox on the left that filters out sellers, then ebay "hid" in deep in the options, try to keep the wanderers off that option now they have completely removed it I think, or at least appears so. I'm guessing they're doing that for a good reason, try to give other sellers a better chance to compete, but to be honest I'm using eBay purely because of that filter, all my friends do so too, but now we're looking at some other places to buy, been checking ebay now and then to see if they've made it availble again and to be disappointed. Anyone is having the same problem or do you find some other ways to filter the best sellers only?




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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

Define best.


A seller with 100% feedback and with never a neg, but who doesn't meet the threshold is better than a TRS rating 98.1%? Yeah, right.


eBay have introduced the premium seller programme, which applies to item listings, not sellers. The seller has to be TRS to get the premium thing against an item, and only items that qualify (with the largely unrealistic terms) will show the logo.


That is probably why you can't filter that way anymore. Which I believe is a simplistic way to find good sellers, anyway.

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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

You want a totally awesome seller?




Ta Da!


 Here I am!



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 3 of 7
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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

It is very easy to become a power seller now, the criteria requires not too much effort on a sellers part. So unfortunately, in my view, limiting your buying to power sellers is not an advantage.


The fact is that the vast majority of sellers are honest operators, so you are fairly safe browsing thorugh them all.


If you want streamline searches, look at the kinds of searches available apart from best match which is the default. You can search for sellers in Australia Only, Selling in Australia and worldwide, then you can search by cheapest first, ending first etc.

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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

Although, sadly, the top rated seller badges are gone from listings, at least for those top rated sellers with a store, the top rated logo will still appear on their store page, this is one way you know you are still dealing with a top rated seller.



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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

You guys are probably right, it's just me I guess, I'm so used to the old way, in the past whenever I wanted to purchase anything I would filter out the sellers first then from then pick the most reasonable price, looking at the feedback rate, history of selling... That to me increases the chance of me getting a better deal, maybe it shoudnt be that way, again just me I guess, I havent bought anything expensive on ebay, was trying to get me a tag heure carrera on ebay, those are like 4K, I will just pay more in store and save me the hassle of going through so many listing items which I cant trust, and for cheap things around 500 $, I guess I can take a bit of risk 🙂  

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Re: Top rated sellers filter gone?

It's also mentioned on the feedback page "This member is an eBay Top-rated seller" Smiley Happy

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