Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

Is ebay blind to the fact that these chinese sellers have got horendus negitive feedback or is it a money thing i will not deal with them again.

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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

Believe it or not there are actually some good Chinese sellers out there. I have bought from Chinese sellers myself without any issues. (on another ID).


Yes there are some sus ones, but people need to be careful and look at feedback that's been left, especially the neutrals and negatives. Some neutrals and negs are for things that may well be out of control such as time it's taken for an item to arrive, but there are definitely those that ring alarm bells and those are the sellers to avoid.


Some items are cheap knock offs and the risk is there if you decide to buy them, and it's not just the Chinese selling them either, some Australian sellers are as bad.

If something is being sold by a brand new ID from China and the deal seems too good to be true, example really cheap ipads/iphones etc, then to me that sends alarm bells ringing and I would avoid that seller.


As fast as people report the bad Chinese (and other nationality) sellers and their accounts are closed down then a new one takes its place.

It's almost an impossible task to keep track of them.

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Message 2 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

Define horrendous.


If a seller has better than 4.4 stars they are pretty right. And a seller who turns over 10,000 items a year with 100 negs will still have 99% feedback.


The option is always with the buyer. If you don't think they're legit, don't buy from them. Simple.

Message 3 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

Because ebay works on commission... I dont like to be racist or put a whole race in a box.  I did however have a recent horrendous experience with a seller from China & am now reluctant to puchase outside of my country.  Its a shame as prior to this I didnt have any issue with purchasing from China but one bad experience does turn you away.  Especially when Ebay doesn't want to know about it & wipe their hands of issues.  If a seller from any country is getting the same repeated negative feedback then surely they should be banned or at the least invesigated as an individual no? Ebay continue to let bad people trade as they continue to make money & when someone complains? Well they wipe their hands clean & say "hey we just provide the site for people to trade".

Message 4 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

And did you follow the procedures laid down by eBay and Paypal? If not, the problem is with you. If so, you would have got your money back and been no worse off.


There are 1.2 billion people in China. A bad experience with ONE colours your attitude to the rest? Here's hoping you never have a problem with buying something from anybody in Australia, by whatever means. Like petrol, milk, groceries, rent.....


You are racist, actually, and you HAVE put a whole race in a box..

Message 5 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

My horrible experience with a Chinese seller was with one who was registered on the Australian site, in Sydney.


Never had a problem with a purchase from a Chinese Seller who was registered in China/Hong Kong

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 6 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

Perhaps Davewill you should re-read my comment before being so harsh... & perhaps you have misunderstood.  My whole point is that it has nothing to do with "Chinese" I said I had a recent bad experience & the person happened to be in China but where they are from is irrelevant.  I said anyone who has a large amount of negative feedback & basically if you are scamming innocent people then that indiviudal should be investigated by Ebay (pointing out no matter where they are from!). Yes Davewill I was naive on Ebay policies & did get scammed but I fully take on board "lesson learnt" to me.  I was trying to say however that anyone who behaves like that (again pointing out NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE FROM!!) should be investigated & I do believe from my experience Ebay could be more involved than they choose to be.  I said I was reluctant to buy outside Australia... this is because the postage time frame internationally does not give you enough time to lodge a non-arrival dispute (45 days) as most say around a month to post.  My home is a multi cultural family, I speak several languages (including some Chinese & fluent Japanese) & am not in any way a racist.  You have misunderstood me trying to gently point out to the original poster that "Where" the seller is from is irrelevant & that I personally would like to see Ebay be more proactive when sellers get hundreds to thousand of negative feedback from buyers with the same comnplaint (AGAIN NO MATTER WHAT NATIONALITY). 

Message 7 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

You seem to like to judge people easy mate. There IS a lot of BAD chinese sellers end of.
Message 8 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

There is also a lot of good Chinese sellers, And the comment was that ONE bad transaction meant 15% of the world's population is untrustworthy.


I judge people by what they say. Including you

Message 9 of 33
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Re: Why is it that so many Chinese sellers have got such bad feedback yet ebay still let them trade.

@eventscoordinator2007 wrote:

Because ebay works on commission... I dont like to be racist or put a whole race in a box.  I did however have a recent horrendous experience with a seller from China & am now reluctant to puchase outside of my country.  Its a shame as prior to this I didnt have any issue with purchasing from China but one bad experience does turn you away.  Especially when Ebay doesn't want to know about it & wipe their hands of issues.  If a seller from any country is getting the same repeated negative feedback then surely they should be banned or at the least invesigated as an individual no? Ebay continue to let bad people trade as they continue to make money & when someone complains? Well they wipe their hands clean & say "hey we just provide the site for people to trade".

You said as above.


ONE bad transaction equals the whole population being bad. Even though you have never had an issue with sellers from this country before.


Your explanationj is, at best, covering your backside. Too late, mate.

Message 10 of 33
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