anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

so i go to buy iphone cable and they all say $1 wow i think thats amazing then they ask you to select length and all of a sudden it goes up to 3.99 choose another length up again and so on..... none were $1  . isnt that false advertising or somthing...very annoying i dont want to have to do that with every seller till i find the right price  aaarrggh

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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

Go to an Apple reseller then. That way the cable will actually work with your phone. And won't void your phone's warranty if it fries it.


I'll leave it to somebody else to explain variant listings.

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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

I've heard of the cheap iphone cables burning out or shorting.

Wouldn't buy one if you paid me.

Go to a proper store and buy a genuine product, not a cheapie.

 photo GRUMPYCATSIGN_zpsa8f18bba.jpg
Message 3 of 8
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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

I've heard of the cheap iphone cables burning out or shorting out


It can be a lot worse than that. On a program here in the UK about fake goods they reported on a six year old who was killed by a fake ipod charger. There were numerous accounts of minor electrical shocks and of house fires caused by all makes of chargers and mains leads not just purchased on line but from many cheapo stores too. Same goes for things like computer batteries. Buy from a reputable reseller in Australia at the full price then if it causes damage to you, your house or your equipment you will be able to come back on the sellerr.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 4 of 8
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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

To answer your the iphone accessory pricing doesnt frustrate me as I would NEVER contemplate buying anything like that off ebay.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

@bsal6160 wrote:

To answer your the iphone accessory pricing doesnt frustrate me as I would NEVER contemplate buying anything like that off ebay.

If it was a phone cover or something I would (and have) but not for anything to do with charging my phone


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 6 of 8
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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

I think we have missed the point of the OP guys


That being that a dooverlacky is listed as $1, but when the listing is opened, the multi variation choices show that it is a thingamybob for $1 and the dooverlackey is $5

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 7 of 8
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Re: anyone frustrated with iphone accessory pricing?

Yep I've seen that done on a lot of phone products.


$1 listing for the item then when you look at the variants all the cases cost $7 and a stylus is the only $1 item. 


I got caught out because I didn't see the price change when I picked the colour I wanted.  I only found out when I went to pay. 


Now I just ignore the $1 listings and don't start looking at the listings until they start at the price I would expect to pay.

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