on 13-08-2012 09:34 PM
I need some advice, I bought an item with "buy it now' on ebay and now the seller states there was a error with the price, states it is too low and won't sell
what are my options, I feel that the buyer should still sell, it's not my fault if the seller has listed the item with an incorrect pice
on 13-08-2012 09:43 PM
what are my options - do i leave negative feedback, I have tried to discuss with the seller however no luck
on 13-08-2012 09:52 PM
It is a contract and seller should sell. But reality is some sellers don't do the right thing.
You can't force the seller to send it to you. It could be a genuine mistake.
But if you wish, you can report the seller for non performance and refuse the cancellation request if the seller sends one.
Also you can leave appropriate factual feedback.
on 13-08-2012 11:26 PM
When I worked in sales my manager told me that if items were incorrectly priced the store had a right to withdraw the goods from the floor and refuse to sell them to customers at the incorrect price.
If a seller cancels a sale here they are charged a fee, if they simply refuse to accept payment or send you the item you can leave them negative feedback.
I know it's disappointing but you can shop elsewhere in future.
on 13-08-2012 11:37 PM
i had a simular problem with an item i purchased and paid for on the same day, 4 days later when i asked if the seller had sent the item he replied he had lost it , About 10 days after the transaction was cancelled the seller relisted the item for a higher price
Simply Not Good Enough
on 14-08-2012 12:08 AM
Strictly speaking - under eBay's rules - seller is obligated to send you the item once you have paid.
However, put yourself in the other person's shoes as well - if it was a genuine mistake (we all make them) then a little bit of "leeway" might be appropriate. At least the seller has been upfront about the error and not tried some other story.
Take a look at their feedback - is there any suggestion this has happened before? Are they new? Are they big sellers or small sellers (a bigger established seller would probably just absorb the mistake whereas a newer smaller seller might just be trying to make ends meet).
Just look at all the facts you can get and make a jugement call - if you feel the seller deserves it by all means leave a neg, file a report etc. It won't help you get the item, but it might stop them doing it again. But if you think it was an honest mistake - why not give them a break?
on 14-08-2012 12:33 AM
on 14-08-2012 07:14 AM
I find a little bit strange that a seller doesn't see what comes up on the screen after setting a price... I mean, I am not a seller, so I don't know how it works, but when I bid for example the price comes up, it asks me to confirm... It looks more like the seller has changed his/her mind? However, there is the possibility that for some reason the seller really didn't notice the mistake. You shouldn't pay for his/her mistake in my opinion though.
on 14-08-2012 06:36 PM
The most common scenario of 'honest pricing errors' seems to happen in an auction where a seller thinks the BIN is a reserve price, then when the item is won for a much lower price, they honestly can't afford to post it as it just adds to the loss already sufferred. I agree to a buyer it is annoying, but a little understanding has to play a part here somewhere, if it is a new seller, cut a bit of slack, what have you really lost in the grand scheme of things?
on 14-08-2012 07:15 PM
I find a little bit strange that a seller doesn't see what comes up on the screen after setting a price...
not everybody has perfect vision, and it is quite easy to type lets say $60 instead of $90 and not notice; on my computer the numbers are quite tiny, I am always wondering if I do have there . and not , :). Not everybody proof reads every listing once it is listed, especially when listing many items in the same time.
It is bit different from B&M store, which can withdraw goods from the floor if they notice that somebody price them wrong, but there is no way they can demand more money once the item was purchased. Which is the case here, but unfortunately there is no way to force seller to sell. The buyer may have right to the item legally but it is not practical to pursue through the courts, which would be the only way.