on โ11-06-2013 08:39 PM
I am finding since I have been on here a lot of sellers complain about buyers. If we ask for combined postage, we are annoying when we ask to pick up an item or if a seller wants to sell it now. I would think this is all part of customer service. I am sure if these ebay sellers went into a local store and were given no service they would complain.
I can't help buy wonder if these are the same sellers complaining about low sales. I have said it before and I will say it again if overseas sellers are giving us good service and answering our questions all nicely then what reason do we have to support our Australian sellers.
One more thing before I stop. I have a few sellers I have used for years, both here and OS and I check there items first even if it costs a little more because the service/communication they give is so good that I feel good shopping with them. I guess sellers are forgetting that we the buyer are also an important part of ebay.
on โ13-06-2013 06:08 PM
Errm I doubt that. Most, probably, but certainly not all. On ebay at least.
on โ13-06-2013 07:44 PM
What on earth is the harm for anyone to simply ask a question? It cost nothing to be polite and a simple "yes I do" or "No I don't" would be more than fine to anyone. As far as getting the same question 25 times from other people well all I can say is not everyone has mental telepathy to know that. As I said, to be polite cost nothing.
I answered all questions very politely however the reason those buyers were asking the question about a BIN was because they were having a go at ripping me off, they were hoping I did not know the value of the item I had up for sale and as the listing did have a BIN when first listed the question was unnecessary and offensive.
on โ13-06-2013 08:27 PM
bump not everyone asking u those questions is trying to rip you off. I think that the fact is if u are selling u will be asked questions. If sellers have such a problem with that I think they should try something other than ebay selling.
I will however say that I have had some great sellers that have answered questions I have and I had one lady who when I asked about a buy it now price and express post on some ski gear I needed for a trip was so helpful I didn't try and rip her off I asked her for a price and I was happy with that and they are the sellers that I continue to use, So being a helpful seller also has it's rewards.
on โ13-06-2013 09:01 PM
I have asked the BIN question of sellers if I notice they have had an item listed and relisted and relisted, I suggest the option of a custom BIN and whether they would do a 'package deal' on multiple items if they have more than one item I am interested in. Some sellers are flexible which is great. Other seem to like to let their listings stay up forever and a day or let the auctions run their course because they have numerous watchers. Some sellers want to sell, some buyers want to buy and sometimes they meet!
on โ13-06-2013 09:19 PM
I am more than happy to have 100s of buyers contact me to make me offers .... particularly those I can't refuse :-D:-D:-D
What a problem to have ......??
If the offers are ridiculously below value, a cut and paste response suffices .. 1 or 2 minutes tops .....use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your responsiveness and communication skills.
If the person making enquiry is rude, or other alarm bells ring, BBL = 30 seconds.
on โ14-06-2013 11:06 AM
Errm all sellers are actually also buyers. It's not really an us against them arguement on eBay.
Unfortunately, some people just go about their day not considering others at all, or are just plain dishonest and then throw nasty tanties when they don't get their way. These type of people upset all of us sellers and buyers the like.
Luckily there are far more nice peopel in the world than nasty. ๐
Sorry, but how do you figure that ? All sellers are also buyers ?
I grant all sellers buy at B&M but can assure you not all sellers buy on eBay..
on โ14-06-2013 11:15 AM
Gottabecareful, perhaps I should have used the word "most" instead of "all".
How can you actually assure me that not all seller's buy on eBay?
on โ14-06-2013 11:17 AM
I sell quite a few products from the beautiful island of Bali and I've had quite a few buyers over the years ask me to sell an item to them for only half it's listed price!
They must feel as though they are in Bali when looking at my lovely items and think they should barter. :^O I just politely tell them that the item is not listed as "make an offer".
on โ15-06-2013 06:31 PM
I always answer every question and do so politely but while writing my reply I am saying to myself "what a blardy rip off merchant this buyer is, thinking I will sell a $100 item for $40".
Sometimes it is very tempting to tell buyers to get lost but I have refrain so far from doing so.
I find it unusual when buyers ask me how many more copies of a book I might have and could they buy one or two.
WTF, I sell off my old books and very rarely I might have 2 copies (ie gifts from 2 different people).
I don't have to sell my books, I am doing so to clear out some clutter and I have been very fortunate that many of my books happen to both popular and valuable so I don't need to be too polite as everything will sell for good money HOWEVER I would never be rude to anyone who emails me.
I often have emails asking where an pick up only item might be located even though it is usually mentioned 3 times in the listing. Obviously the person doesn't read the listing properly but I am happy to write back telling them the suburb.
on โ15-06-2013 07:52 PM
I've only ever had one offer, as most of my books don't have best offer available.
$50 for a $220 book (which is at the low end given the condition). Counteroffered (more than $50, but a bit under $220). End of story.
Still have the book.