ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

Community Member


I don't see these promotions pop up very often and I wanted to take advanatage of it this time before it ex[pires very soon.

Does anyone know what I could buy between $75-$100 on ebay to get the 10% discount?

What have you bought between $75-$100 and been happy with and what have you bought between $75-$100

and been disappointed with or found out that the item wasn't good value for money?


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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion



What do YOU want? What others have bought is irrelevant.


Buyer beware - do your own homework.

Message 2 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

you win this weeks strangest question award hmmm

Message 3 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

Thanks Dave  for your help...but please don't answer a question with a question...Smiley Happy

Message 4 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

come on lets have some suggestions...I only have 11 hours to decide and submit...

I don't want to buy something just for the sake of getting a 10% discount.

Message 5 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

These promotions usually allow you to buy multiple items paid for on the same invoice to make up the amount.


For the most part I have bought DVDs when the promotion has allowed it....I have a long list of sets that I want and just buy when there is an appropriate promotion.

On another promotion I paid for some clothes which I had already selected/bought at auction and another time I bought an external hard drive.


What you buy is really up to you....no-one here has any idea of your buying habits or for that matter what the terms of the promotion allow.   Do you have a restricted list of sellers?  Is the offer for certain items?



Message 6 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

You will need to give us at least a ball park idea.


I mean do you need


New car seat covers

Some vitamins

Dog chews

Tiffany lamp shade

Vibrator for the chair



Downtown abbey sets


etc. etc.

image host
Message 7 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

If you sell items why not purchase some Aus Post prepaid satchels.

Thats what many here do.

Message 8 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

Perhaps this might be a good purchase.  This seller may have other items so that the total falls within $75-$100.



Message 9 of 34
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Re: ebay 10% discount on $75-$100 purchase promotion

@gogifts wrote:

come on lets have some suggestions...I only have 11 hours to decide and submit...

I don't want to buy something just for the sake of getting a 10% discount.

What offer is it exactly?  From what you have stated above it seems the offer ends at 8.30am.

All offers that I have ever had end at midnight on the end date.

And no offers have ever had an upper limit....they are usually a minimum spend to get the discount with a maximum amount of discount allowed per buyer.  Sometimes they offer a certain number of transactiions with the upper limit of the discount spread over all transactions.

Message 10 of 34
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