on 02-07-2016 05:46 AM
will it try to withdraw the money again? i had a look at my paypal and it doesnt say nothing thats its tyring to withdraw from my bank account yet the echeak failed on the 26th june should i ask the seller to send me a invoice to pay again
on 02-07-2016 08:22 AM
why did the echeque fail? was there not enuff money in the account to cover payment?
on 02-07-2016 08:43 AM
Paypal usually does try a second time to withdraw funds from a bank account. Make very sure there are sufficient funds in the account or it will fail again.
Do not try to pay again or the system may take the funds for a third time.
I suggest you tell the seller what has happened in case they block you since the first payment has not gone through.