seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

Hi everyone


I have been a eBay member since 2002 with 100%. I have recently purchased an item worth $1200. After going through eBay buy now system and transferred fund to Paypal to pay. Buyer cancelled the auction and refunded the money after 24 hours. He gave a reason for cancellation is out of stock. This is a private seller and not eBay store seller and this is one off item. Then he went and relist it for much higher price. I contacted eBay via live chat but really, these people are not interested in helping much and basically said it is what it is. My question is: before I hit the buy now button, there was a message about eBay policy which I abided by but the seller can just freely change his mind and cancelled the paid auction. Does that mean, he could potential fish for more buyers or to test out eBay market place before deciding which price to sell? if that is the case then there's no confidence in any of eBay buy now items as you are only 50/50 being successfully in purchasing and receiving the items even after you paid. In my situation, it was a complete waste of time and effort.     

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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

@soundstage22 wrote:

Hi everyone


I have been a eBay member since 2002 with 100%. I have recently purchased an item worth $1200. After going through eBay buy now system and transferred fund to Paypal to pay. Buyer cancelled the auction and refunded the money after 24 hours. He gave a reason for cancellation is out of stock. This is a private seller and not eBay store seller and this is one off item. Then he went and relist it for much higher price. I contacted eBay via live chat but really, these people are not interested in helping much and basically said it is what it is. My question is: before I hit the buy now button, there was a message about eBay policy which I abided by but the seller can just freely change his mind and cancelled the paid auction. Does that mean, he could potential fish for more buyers or to test out eBay market place before deciding which price to sell? if that is the case then there's no confidence in any of eBay buy now items as you are only 50/50 being successfully in purchasing and receiving the items even after you paid. In my situation, it was a complete waste of time and effort.     

Hi stereosapient, sorry to hear of your very bad experience. That is a very bad look for the seller and certainly a less than honest way to conduct  hm/herself. Sellers that do this should be stoof down for a period of time.


Below you'll see a buyer ra157, an everyday type of person. A decent buyer that has had this happen to them twice. It's saddening that this is still occurring.


Seller Cancels Auction Sale After Item is Paid for. / Bargains Depend entirely on Goodwill


ra157 wrote:


Last Friday I had the interesting experience of winning a Nikon 1 J3 mirrorless camera with two lenses at a very good price. I immediately paid for it with Paypal. 19 minutes after the end of the auction, the seller then cancelled the sale, citing the reason as,
I'm out of stock or the item is damaged".

Plainly she wasn't out of stock, and it strains credulity that she suddenly discovered the camera was found to be damaged within 19 minutes of my winning it. I reported the seller to Ebay.

Ebay's response included,

"I assure you that I have warned the seller and we will monitor their account to make sure that if they continue to cause bad-buyer experiences, we will take further actions which could lead to restrictions or even indefinite suspension."

As best I can see it – sellers can break their Ebay conditions and their contract with me with impunity.

Plainly, if this pattern is repeated by a frequent seller, Ebay will do something. But it appears that casual sellers never have to worry about getting what they perceive to be a dud price for their item. If they do, they can just cancel the sale and claim the item was damaged.

To make matters worse, the camera was listed as not having a charger, which I bought from another seller after winning the camera. Despite my requesting that he cancel the order, it is on its way to me, and I have paid $10.98 for a useless charger.

Anybody else had this type of  frustrating auction experience?


 = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = == = = =  = = = =  = = = =  = = = =


Seller Cancels Auction Sale After Item is Paid for. / Bargains Depend entirely on Goodwill Part 2.


ra157 wrote:


On 26 Dec 2018, I got a nice auction win on a mini-monocular. I paid for it on Paypal. The seller then immediately caneclled the order on Paypal and refunded my money. I sent a message to the seller asking why, and I got no response. I then complained to Ebay.

Ebay advised that the auction was cancelled at PayPal, and that I should not worry about the extremely annoying "Unpaid Item" that is still listed against the item in My Ebay Summary

I just left a Negative rating.

As per my previous thread of very similar title, I am of the opinion that Ebay should ban sellers that engage in such a practice for life.

I'm hoping that this bad practice is replaced by good practices where people conduct their business with professionalism and compassion.

Message 11 of 16
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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

an everyday type of person. A decent buyer that has had this happen to them twice


And you know this for a fact, how?

Message 12 of 16
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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

Yes, the seller is always always always in the wrong no matter what


Based on the so say of the buyer only


How many times are you going to re-hash that story above?


Your BFF had no proof that seller was lying, only the say so of another buyer and your hatred of all sellers


So much so, you also 'blame the seller' when they rightly block people from buying from them


No matter the buyers in question have been threatening,abusive and more


AND support other members on here who have been nothing but abusive towards people who have tried to give the help and advice


And then you accuse anyone who speaks up of being a bully

Message 13 of 16
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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

@davewil1964 wrote:

an everyday type of person. A decent buyer that has had this happen to them twice


And you know this for a fact, how?

Well, with ra157 (Renato), I have observed how this person conducts themselves and was courteous and measured when discussing ths situation (Not dissimilar to this one) last year. And even though there was some netativity towards ra157 and lack of compassion for this ebayer's plight, they were pleasent throughout. Someone who I believe adheres to good old fashioned values.

Anyway, let'sstay on track here. This situation here is what ra157 had to put up with. I wish sellers would keep their pride and follow though with things.

Message 14 of 16
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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

@enigmabear wrote:

Yes, the seller is always always always in the wrong no matter what


Based on the so say of the buyer only


How many times are you going to re-hash that story above?


Your BFF had no proof that seller was lying, only the say so of another buyer and your hatred of all sellers


So much so, you also 'blame the seller' when they rightly block people from buying from them


No matter the buyers in question have been threatening,abusive and more


AND support other members on here who have been nothing but abusive towards people who have tried to give the help and advice


And then you accuse anyone who speaks up of being a bully


Message 15 of 16
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Re: seller cancelled paid auction only to resell at higher price

@4channel wrote:

@enigmabear wrote:



So much so, you also 'blame the seller' when they rightly block people from buying from them


No matter the buyers in question have been threatening,abusive and more


AND support other members on here who have been nothing but abusive towards people who have tried to give the help and advice


And then you accuse anyone who speaks up of being a bully





I'm pretty sure that bear is referring to yesterday's vibrant but shortlived thread.



"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 16 of 16
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