
purchased two torches  from seller in melb,  batteries, batt holders,supplied , but no charges, noware in his advertisement were charges written. asked him politely to send charges, but he wont. can ebay do something . very dissapointed in the purchase.

Message 1 of 7
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Re: torches

If there were no chargers (I assume that's what you mean) specified in the listing why on earth would you expect the seller to provide one ???


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 7
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Re: torches

What do you want eBay to do?


You say yourself the listing did not mention charges were included


You bought knowing this


Why are you disappointed when you got exactly what you say  was in the listing?


And why on earth do you expect the seller to give you charges free of charge?

Message 3 of 7
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Re: torches

I completely understand your frustration. I mean, I bought 2 car seat covers from a seller. I was so angry that I didn't get sent a car, even though a car was not mentioned in the listing. Seriously, how do these seller's sleep at night, refusing to send items that aren't mentioned in the listing? Where do they get off? I want that car that wasn't mentioned in the listing, and I won't let up until I get it. I'll call A Current Affair if I have to. 

Message 4 of 7
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Re: torches

@rocky.0428 wrote:

purchased two torches  from seller in melb,  batteries, batt holders,supplied , but no charges, noware in his advertisement were charges written. asked him politely to send charges, but he wont. can ebay do something . very dissapointed in the purchase.



Firstly, we are not eBay. This is a public forum discussion board. 

Secondly, if the chargeRs were not listed, then they are NOT included in the sale.  If the torches are using rechargeable batteries, then an ordinary battery charger will do the same trick! 

Lastly…. You could always buy yourself a charger for the torch!  I’m sure eBay sells them 😉

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Message 5 of 7
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Re: torches


Message 6 of 7
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Re: torches

@rocky.0428 wrote:

purchased two torches  from seller in melb,  batteries, batt holders,supplied , but no charges, noware in his advertisement were charges written. asked him politely to send charges, but he wont. can ebay do something . very dissapointed in the purchase.

Ebay will not do anything (even if you do get on to them) because your problem doesn't come under the headings of anything where they would normally step in to help.

You are covered if an item doesn't arrive. You are covered if the wrong item or a faulty item is sent to you.


Neither of those things happened to you. You got exactly what was in the listing. You assumed you would be getting chargers but as they weren't mentioned in the listing, then that was a false assumption. Most ads tell you exactly what is in a listing and if it isn't there, it isn't included. I know sometimes it can come as a bit of a shock. It reminds me of myself yesterday. I was at a lunch and ordered something called the 'breakfast burger', which listed peppers, cheese, bacon, egg etc

When it came, it had those things but I had assumed from the word burger that they would come on top of a meat patty. Nope. My fault. I didn't worry about it and settled down to enjoy what I did have.


You need to do the same-you're not going to get the charger from the seller. He may not even have any and why should he post out things he never said he was including in the first place? Use a different charger or buy one.

But in future, sift through ads with a fine tooth comb to check they include exactly what you need.

Message 7 of 7
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