on โ24-09-2016 11:28 PM
Watch list not working. Ebay said they are aware of the issue and awere working on it . That was pprox 3-4 weeks ago and the issue is still not fixed. Does anybody know what the problem is of any way around it please?
on โ09-10-2016 11:11 PM
@imastawka wrote:
I hadn't noticed Lyndal (and Padi) cos I haven't checked my lists for quite a while
Hopefully they're not lurking (dangerously) in Outer Mongolia now Stalks.
on โ09-10-2016 11:24 PM
Selfie Padi?
on โ09-10-2016 11:27 PM
I call bull
on โ09-10-2016 11:35 PM
Yak, yak!
on โ09-10-2016 11:38 PM
@lyndal1838 wrote:Selfie Padi?
Oh lyndal, very droll............................you'll keep.
on โ09-10-2016 11:44 PM
I wanna faint, I wanna faint, show me how hot you are Padi. If we don't see it, it ain't true.
Did the bull knock your yurt down? I couldn't see it anywhere in the photo.
on โ10-10-2016 12:01 AM
@*tippy*toes* wrote:I wanna faint, I wanna faint, show me how hot you are Padi. If we don't see it, it ain't true.
Did the bull knock your yurt down? I couldn't see it anywhere in the photo.
The Yak ate my Yurt Tippy and I'm not waiting around for it to reappear thank you.
A selfie would probably need more than smelling salts for recovery, so even though I would love to see you girls faint it just ain't worth the likelyhood of incoming lawsuits................................sorry.
on โ04-01-2017 01:16 AM
Having same problem on phone app and pc.
on โ04-01-2017 02:28 AM
Yes, having the same trouble which has been going on for months. No such problems on the US site ๐
on โ08-09-2017 03:20 PM
Sellers should be furious!! As I buyer, I have just had to by pass items I am interested in (and usually put on watch to consider later when I'm home from work) - because I cannot save them with the Watch List!! I wanted to buy multiple items over the past three weeks. In the end, if I couldn't watch it, I tried to save it to a folder - called it WORK GEAR, another one WEDDING - but guess what - error msg there also! So guess what! Lately, I've been returning to the shopping centres to buy my stuff.
Imagine how many people do the same as me across the world. Watch it until later then buy (or not as the case may be).
I am over it. Sellers should be using their collective power to MAKE eBay address this issue.