on 04-06-2017 09:26 PM
Ok I have only just started to submit product reviews and I have excludeing the seller,my reviews are personally honest but they just dont get put into the reviews or ratings.? I did have one review published but it dissapeared after a day?
I am a buyer and not a seller and wish to give honest "product " reviews from my purchased product useage experience.
on 10-12-2017 07:33 AM
on 10-12-2017 09:32 AM
As others have mentioned ( many times ) that is a problem with a particular seller and should be reflected in feedback left, not in product reviews. If your review is succesful it will show on all similar items listed on ebay from other reputable sellers who dont sand part numbers off. How is that fair ?
on 10-12-2017 01:20 PM
10-12-2017 08:02 PM - edited 10-12-2017 08:07 PM
I can understand what everyone is telling me. I have bought the same part from another supplier also, they were fake also. I want to warn buyers of the possible problem. The part is used for DIY washing machine repair. When the fake part is used, the washer seems to work fine at first but stops before it finishes the full cycle.I have explained this in my review. I was almost fooled into thinking that there was another problem. This is what I'm trying to warn other buyers about.
on 10-12-2017 08:41 PM
11-12-2017 10:20 AM - edited 11-12-2017 10:24 AM
The ebay feedback system is not always efective for warning buyers about defective items. Relevant feedback is sometimes burried pages deep.
With many sellers, the feedback entries do not mention which item the feedback is for, relying on the buyer to mention the item, which they often neglect to do.
My review is intended to warn buyers of the possibility of there being a problem. It will promt buyers to check the seller's feedback, looking for signs of trouble if there are any. Such as mention of other fake parts.
I dont expect it to harm sellers with genuine parts. The buyer will eventually have to make a descission to buy from someone.
I now know that the part is being widely faked due to its high demand for washing machine repairs.
ebay supports says that I must call them by telephone to find the reason for my review being rejected. I will not be doing that.
on 11-12-2017 01:39 PM
The reason your review is being rejected has been mentioned in this thread......you are effectively naming and shaming every seller who sells the parts you are reviewing.
No matter how many disclaimers you put that not all parts are fake, mud sticks and ebay will not allow it.
In this case I agree with ebay...it is good to see that they actually monitor the reviews.
11-12-2017 02:25 PM - edited 11-12-2017 02:26 PM
I think the whole review thing shoud be scrapped.
on 20-02-2018 04:23 PM
He means PRODUCT REVIEWS not feedback....do keep up please.
20-02-2018 04:36 PM - edited 20-02-2018 04:38 PM
You dragged up an over 2 month old thread to comment on an 8 month old post to add that?
I think it is not stawks who needs to keep up.