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Am DESPERATE for a pair of these heels new or used. Let me know if you have a pair lying around. xx
Okay, I know how to knit, just rusty! Making a teddy bear, stocking stitch, working on his leg! This is the pattern instruction I am stumped on: Kxx, blah blah - cast off 16sts, knit to end of row (12sts). Work through all stictches. Next row - Purl ...
Does anyone use this brand of knitting needles? I bought several pairs many years ago and they are still going strong. However I have lost 1 pair of needles and want to replace them. I have done a search of ADDI on eBay and have come up with the ones...
Bag 1 Bag 2 bits more bits last one Are these bags genuine? Would appreciate some advice as the friend that gave these to me to sell doesn't know either and after my last experience selling a Luis Vuitton bag about 2 years ago i am put off. Was genui...
D&G Chanel Is there something i should look for to see if these bags are genuine or not?
I'm having some dramas with buyers not contacting me regarding their custom orders. I usually get most of the info when they order, I then contact them to allow them to choose their font. I have a buyer in the US who has given me most of the info I n...
Hi guys I am on the hunt to try and find someone who can make me a replica of Anne Hathways catwoman costume from "Batman, The dark Knight Rises". I have found someone who can do the replica of her mask and goggles, but struggling to find someone who...
It's been suggested that I post this Question on this Forum - so apologies to those people who have been helping me on the General Selling Forum if they read it again. I am trying to identify this label. No initials, No Style no, nothing on the Care ...
I bought a "SUPERDRY'. BLACK MULTI STRIPED DESTROYED POLO. NEW WITH TAGS. MADE IN TURKEY. shirt yesterday from an op shop for $3. Does anyone know about this brand or own one?
I have used a knitting wool/yarn that is like a string of pom pom's, love using it and wanted to see if I can buy a bit cheaper on eBay than in the stores. Any one out there know what it is actually called?? A bit similar to the 'giggles' brand but t...
Hi from Georgia, USA. This may not be the right place to ask this but I'm taking a chance. In digging through some old boxes I found a beautiful wood bowl. It is signed Petr Mahler, Tasmania, Australia, Myrtle Burl. I purchased it in 2003 on eBay (US...
Hi, I'm planning to make my 11 year old niece a dress with shirring front and back and tie straps but it's been so long since I sewed these for my own girls I've forgotten the measurements. Can someone please tell me what width I need to shir, I vagu...
Hi All, I am trying to find a STAMPIN UP BAG in fact there are 2 that were at the STAMPIN UP CONVENTION 2011 - AUSTRALIA. I am wishing to purchase the both of them. Is anyone out there in the big EBAY world that knows or has one and wishes to sell th...
Bought this plane on EBAY, from a very good seller. He is worth buying from, very good communication, and he delivers quickly.The plane is a large Cessna 182 trainer made by FMS, in China.It is a beautiful looking plane when assembled, and I have not...
I'd like to let you know about some new members of the eBay Discussion Board Team. We are pleased to be introducing Community Guides. You may see them posting around the boards with the prefix "CmtyGuide" on their name. I hope you will make them feel...