on โ21-01-2014 11:33 PM
Hello could someone help me id this vase it is 23 cm high by 16cm across using widest points.I was thinking possible ellis or maybe an itailian vase. it has the number 12 on the botton .Thanks heaps.
on โ21-01-2014 11:36 PM
on โ24-01-2014 06:18 PM
There is a great Ellis site
Sadly there is no number 12 displayed; you may be able search through all the shapes and see if it is likely to be Ellis from the style. Not all Ellis was signed; I have pieces with a label only. I am not expert enough on Ellis to advise you.
โ25-01-2014 01:06 AM - edited โ25-01-2014 01:06 AM
Hello ,thanks for the site have it saved already.I thought maybe ellis because of the shape and round type jewel things(like ellis spotted blackware vases).But as i have searched around shape wise and texture wise it could be have been made by a couple of different austrailian pottery firms.The shape and textured body i have also seen in a couple of overseas companies itailian and forgien marked pieces as well also a couple of english companies. But the pattern does not fit with any overseas vases i have seen.I have done a bit of searching of ellis and gunda pottery as well as harry whyte but colour wise and pattern wise it does not sit with what i have seen.But i am no expert either . one of those mystery vase, but i think it is quite a nice vase.