A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Community Member


This is going to be a heated argument.


A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks and some Dr's want to ban her.


This follow on from the mis representation of an anti Vacciner on a current affair show on the ABC the other night.







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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@gleee58 wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:

Here is the lovely Ms Tenpenny


Well worth watching.   In her own words "I'm not a scientific researcher"     And on the youtube link they are saying she

is promoting a range of her own 'goods'.   I too am glad to hear both sides to a story but not when one side

is someone like her. 

Yes, I found the comments interesting..

Message 21 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

And on the youtube link they are saying she

is promoting a range of her own 'goods'.



Funny that.....the guy theat did the research on supposed the MMR-Autism link was also developing his own vaccine.



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Message 22 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?


In my link at the top, the quote that got me from the anti's was this.


She said we have always been told vaccines are safe, but we have never really explored the other side,

are vaccines unsafe" and then goes on to say the studies are short, inconclusive ...... etc.

That, from a person who admits they do NOT know how to set up a scientific study !!! LOL Smiley LOL



Maskall also sells stuff.

Message 23 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?



These people are dangerous.


The things is, it won't be them who suffer the consequences.



Message 24 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@twinkles**stars wrote:

Very happy to listen to both sides and make my own educated decission. I am not anti vaccine but dobieve we are over vaccinated and more should educate themselves on vaccines and not simply accept what they are told.

BUT there are NO 2 sides in some cases.  100 years ago people believed that radioactivity is healthy.  There were various products sold that contained radioactive ingredients.  People went to spas where they bathed in radioactive water.  And a.r.s.enic was in medicines and tonics.  Women painting radioactive materials on hand of night glowing clocks used to lick the brushes  to get a good point, and were dying horrible death.  Would you also like to listen to some nutters telling you how good a.r.s.enic & radioactivity are for you to make "educated" decision?


As far as vaccination goes, we all know there are risks, but they are minute comparing to the diseases that vaccination protects you against.  Naturally, we will be improving on vaccines, and developing new ways to deliver, and new ways to preserve them and hopefully they will be safer and safer.  But people who do not vaccinate are danger to society, and should be dealt with as such.




Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 25 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?


"As far as vaccination goes, we all know there are risks, but they are minute comparing to the diseases that

vaccination protects you against."



The key words are there.


Risks, minimal, protection, important and a high level.




Anasthetic and Surgery have risks but are minute compared to not having surgery.





Message 26 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Prior to the use of varicella vaccine there were about 240,000 cases, 1,500
hospitalisations and approximately 7 deaths each year
from varicella in Australia.



Message 27 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

15 minutes of fame.Travel the world.Make lots of money All you need is an audience of idiots to believe you and presto.Just like religion.really.
Message 28 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Community Member

It''s all the ABCs fault.

Message 29 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Lol. Lots of posters complain that we should have freedom of speech but don't want to allow others that same right.
Message 30 of 108
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