A community update?

Community Member

Hiya folks, long time no see but have to seen the update to the UK boards? Have a look at my links eh? One is to the Round Table, the other is to the Community Update.


Do you fancy having the same down here? It hasn't had a good reception in the UK so as your board layout is the easy-to-use layout I wondered what you thought of it?


The Round Table - The eBay Community


Community Updates - The eBay Community

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 122
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A community update?

Just a question Bid - why the only thread - dedicated to one sided - US political carp - can't be an ongoing thread for all.


Why not engage Aussies - we are an interested & interesting lot - you are here - and welcome - but totally disregarded cause most don't even get what you are going on about.


The continual slur against posters you don't like on the [] - is obvious - can you make my boobs bigger - just an ask.


You are here - so why not join us - have some fun & communicate - hope you aren't in Texas.

Message 31 of 122
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A community update?

@bidicus*maximus wrote:

@imastawka wrote:


They don't see any need for a discussion board that is non-ebay related.

Which is a real shame.  Wife and I both buy and sell on eBay... the boards were at one time a great way to kill a little time while waiting to see how high one of your ending auctions was going to go... and I always found the boards that WERE eBay related to be a bit boring.

The ebay related boards, while maybe a bit boring to you, are a necessary part of the ebay Community.

It is not always easy for new buyers and sellers to navigate ebay so they are pleased to find experienced members who are willing to give help and advice.

Message 32 of 122
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A community update?

Ask a civil question, get a civil answer...


The picture thread is NOT dedicated to one-sided politics... but it IS for pictures, not debate.  Anyone who can Photoshop (alter photos) is welcome to join in and post their original work.  Years ago, there was a similar thread on one of the eBay US boards that I participated in under another id.  Back then the boards were much more lively and several skilled "Photoshoppers" participated.  We posted actual pictures of our real-life selves and the object was to put one or more of our buddies heads on the bodies of people in funny pictures... someone might be eating from a dumpster or passed out drunk on the sidewalk... that sort of thing... the more outrageous, the better and nobody got insulted... we all understood that it was all done in fun.


That group had a good run, but one died, some had a falling out or were banned from the boards... a couple went off to use their skills in competition for prizes... anyway, it ended.  That board is now dead, as well.



Why not engage Aussies - we are an interested & interesting lot - you are here - and welcome - but totally disregarded cause most don't even get what you are going on about.


I do occasionally play some of your games, but frankly, I don't care to "engage" anyone over any of your political matters... in my opinion, it's really not my place to do so... I don't live there and have no "skin in the game".  I disagree that I'm "totally disregarded"... I get the occasional kudo and my pictures get plenty of views... I also don't care whether or not anyone "gets" what I'm "on about"...



The continual slur against posters you don't like on the [] - is obvious...


I can see from this statement that you don't "get" all that I'm "on about", as well... I've been off the box for around three years.  I VERY rarely ever go there anymore and when I do, I usually just scan the thread titles, then leave.  I don't recall EVER doing a "slur against posters" that I "don't like"... though I will admit that I may have lampooned one or two of the more ridiculous, in the past.  



You are here - so why not join us - have some fun & communicate - hope you aren't in Texas.


I do have plenty of fun here and will continue to communicate as I see fit... and no, I'm not in Texas...


Message 33 of 122
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A community update?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

The ebay related boards, while maybe a bit boring to you, are a necessary part of the ebay Community.

It is not always easy for new buyers and sellers to navigate ebay so they are pleased to find experienced members who are willing to give help and advice.

Didn't say that those boards were useless... just not my cup of tea.  15 years ago I used to even hang out on such boards and answer questions for the newbies.

Message 34 of 122
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A community update?

LOL - well ask a question & get a stupid answer.


Three years you say :


Between you & your ' partner ' :


This poster passed away last April - always depicted with blood running from his mouth - he suffered a rare blood condition which finally took his life - great work - the lady pictured is a well known poster also.




This because I post on the US boards - just scanned the titles - right.


how cruel everyone else is oh my.jpg


Hockey - a well respected poster - well did we do Hillbilly to death.




There are heaps - given you only scanned. LOL


No wonder you are ' down here' - permanently - and not up there.


For all here - every cartoon depicted is a nasty crude take off of current/any US posters - who simply do not share their belief in Trumpism.


Not even Joz got a break. Robot wink



Message 35 of 122
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A community update?

Interesting...I never look at that thread.


Can't be bothered.


Still won't

Message 36 of 122
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A community update?

@domino-710 wrote:

LOL - well ask a question & get a stupid answer.


Three years you say :


Between you & your ' partner ' :


This poster passed away last April - always depicted with blood running from his mouth - he suffered a rare blood condition which finally took his life - great work - the lady pictured is a well known poster also.




This because I post on the US boards - just scanned the titles - right.


how cruel everyone else is oh my.jpg


Hockey - a well respected poster - well did we do Hillbilly to death.




There are heaps - given you only scanned. LOL


No wonder you are ' down here' - permanently - and not up there.


For all here - every cartoon depicted is a nasty crude take off of current/any US posters - who simply do not share their belief in Trumpism.


Not even Joz got a break. Robot wink



And it is not a picture thread, all it is are some weird looking faces attached to 2 bodies - with an on going acerbic dialogue in speech bubbles.


When I first went in I thought it was gong to be a fair dinkum 'photoshop' alteration of images. You know, a bit of skilll involved, did not expect a hash job of cut and paste LOL

Message 37 of 122
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A community update?

@imastawka wrote:

Interesting...I never look at that thread.


Can't be bothered.


Still won't

I don't bother anymore, leave the kiddies to play

Message 38 of 122
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A community update?

Oh dear - how the views will go ' down ' - I'm in. LOL

Message 39 of 122
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A community update?

It appears that the "civil" question was just a set-up for another ambush... typical... 


Guess that I got my reward for trying to be nice...


For the record... I have NEVER stated that any particular cartoon image represented any particular poster... but many posters do like to claim that some particular image is, "them"... I certainly can't help that...


You might check the dates on some of the images that you are scolding me for, as well...


AND it probably wouldn't hurt you any if you were to spit back up some of the bull that you've been fed instead of swallowing it whole...



Message 40 of 122
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